
June 20, 2011

Housewife Extraordinaire: Step 1

It must be the perfectionist in me, but now that I am officially a stay-at-home mom and housewife, I am determined to kick domesticity in the ass!  While I do envision some much-needed rest and relaxation, I also envision days filled with teaching Colton new things, taking him to new places, tackling some long overdue home tasks, trying out some new recipes to add to our dinner repertoire....whew, I'm exhausted just typing about it!  But seriously, now that my job is right here this humble abode, I intend to do it to the best of my ability.
Admittedly, this first weekend has not brought much productivity (the beach was calling my name...what can I say?), but I did manage to come up with a system to keep me focused on the goal.  I have always been a fan of to-do lists as a way of keeping me organized.  My system involved jotting my list on these guys:
Pretty typical, huh?  I don't know about you guys, but my lists would always get lost, or crumpled in the bottom of my purse, or so scratched out and added to that they became illegible.  So, now my new system will be my awesome, master, dry erase to-do list:
My board is actually just an old picture frame we had laying around.  I stuck some scrapbook paper in the frame and's not just a pretty addition to our kitchen decor, it's also functional!  After jotting down a few to-do's (and even erasing one already...YAY!), I also made a little box at the bottom to keep track of some grocery items that we need on our next trip.
So far, I love my little board.  Just looking at it makes me feel, I just have to get around to erasing some of those things (although I'm sure that will just lead to adding more things).
How about you guys?  Do your to-do lists always evolving too?  Do you have any fun ways to keep yourself organized?  Please that I'm home, another one of goals is to be better at responding to your lovely comments!

1 comment:

  1. Thats a really cute idea, Michelle! I also used to lose my grocery lists or my to-do lists. I found an app for my phone that is a "post it" note...and you can make lists that you can check off. It has worked SO well, because I always have my phone with me! I make different lists (target, grocery, lists of books I want to read but don't want to forget the names of, etc).
    Happy stay-at-home-momhood! :)


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