
June 2, 2011

Playroom Tackling: Part 1

Now that it is June, we can safely say school is almost over (WOO-HOO...10 days if you're counting).  Now that Colton and I will be spending our days here at our humble abode (well, if we're not beaching it), the playroom has become an urgent priority.  I had already outlined some of my inspiration for this room, but now it's time to put this plan into action.
On Monday, my skin was screaming for a reprieve from the sun's rays, so I took the opportunity to finally finish off the purging of our old stuff.  I packed everything up, headed to the closest Goodwill donation center, and hallelujah...we went from this:

To this (and a coworker of mine is coming to get those tables):

YAY!  But oh no, I didn't stop there.  I had mentioned that I planned on using some IKEA Expedit shelves in the playroom for storage.  Well, Colton had one set in his room that was currently storing his books.  Wanting to see what these shelves would look like in the room (and approximately how many we would need) and figuring now would be a good time to move his books down to the playroom anyway, I cleared his shelf, moved it, and set it back up:
pardon the shirtless toddler who is LOVING his new playroom already!

The best news is now I'm thinking we really only need one Expedit shelf, so we can go ahead and mark that off the list as completed.  Unfortunately, though, there is still TONS that needs to be done.  Just check out this list:

  • get cable hooked up
  • get adult seating for room (possibly sleeper sofa)
  • get toy box for Colton's bigger toys
  • get child seating for room (beanbag chairs? floor cushions? poofs?)
  • magnetic and/or chalkboard wall
  • artwork clothesline
  • ABC artwork
  • hand print artwork
So, stay tuned in the next few weeks as hopefully this room will come together.  

1 comment:

  1. Nice! You've been productive! Just now glancing at my house. I think my computer time is up for the day!


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