March 18, 2011

My Next 30 Years

Yep!!!  Tomorrow's a big day...I turn the big 3-0.  I love my birthday...totally think it's the most important day of the year (seriously)...and always consider myself lucky to have made it to another year's celebration and thus don't bemoan the fact that I am turning another year older.  Usually.  I must admit, though, this turning 30 thing does have me thrown a bit.  I don't think it's just the's the fact that I'm a mom, other people trust me to educate their children each day, and the local radio station just took it back "old school" 1999, the year I graduated high school.  Basically, even though I still feel like I just graduated from high school yesterday, there is evidence EVERYWHERE that I am now officially an adult (gulp). 

Due to my approaching milestone (I think), I have had Tim McGraw's song "My Next Thirty Years" in my head for the last few weeks.  In case you are unfamiliar with the song, he basically looks back at all the mistakes of the first 30 years of his life and promises the next 30 "will be the best years of my life."  I've given it a lot of thought, and I have a different approach to my next three decades.  Honestly, I can only hope that they will be as rewarding as the first three have been.  Sure, I made some stupid mistakes in high school and my early 20's, but overall, I love the life I live, and firmly believe those bumps in my road helped get me here.  True, too, I have some things I would like to improve about myself: travel more, stop dieting once and for all and just live a healthy life, let go of my obsessive worrying tendencies, and probably others I'm not thinking of.  But I'm guessing that even if I (and hopefully I will) improve those things, I will have some others to deal with at 60 because that's what life is about...constantly evolving, right?

So tomorrow as I blow out my candles, I will bid my first 30 years a very fond adieu and welcome the next 30 (and hopefully even more) with open arms, full of promise for more great things.
my beautiful family...proof of a fantastic first 30 years


  1. Happy early birthday and I love that button! The 30's are great so welcome to the big girls club :)

  2. 30 is great, no really! and I didn't have too hard of time with it, but it's 32 this summer... oh.... I wish it was 30 all over again instead :)
    Hope you have a great birthday!! From WW :)


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