March 17, 2011

Going Green?

Anyone who has ever stepped foot in my house can tell you immediately that I have a certain affinity for green.  It is everywhere in our decor...mirrors, pillows, get the idea.  This girl loves her some green.  Well, I am about to take this love affair to a new level (possibly).   Considering today is the day green is celebrated worldwide (well, at least in this country), I figured it was the perfect day to share the next chapter of our love story: green curtains!!! 
Our living room has needed curtains since the day we moved in.  It has two beautiful bay windows on each side of it.  You can't really see the windows in this shot, but here is quickly glance of the room in case you are curious:

As I have explained before, curtains are the shoes of a room to me: they have the potential to just make it, so I have put a lot of thought into this decision.  An obvious choice would be white curtains, something like these, but they're just seeming a little blah to me right now.  Plus, I have been swooning over green curtains ever since I saw pictures like this:
Oh my goodness...don't they just make the room?  But I'm not positive about my room...I would need 4 panels on each side (8 total) for my bay windows...too much green?  Or a nice, fun touch?  Please help...I love opinions

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