
January 31, 2011

Little Man's Invitations

AAAAHHH!  Have you ever seen The Today Show's wedding segment.  I think it's appropriately named "Today Throws a Wedding."  Anyways, the point is viewers vote on every single aspect of the lucky couple's wedding day...the dress, the cake, the get the point.  I always thought it was an awful lot to give up to have the Today show pay for every aspect of your wedding, but then again, I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED planning my own wedding and recognize that not everyone feels as passionately as I do about those things. 
I bring up the wedding because as much I just admitted I hate to relinquish control of party planning, I need some help.  My baby boy's first birthday is less than 2 months away (!), so it is officially time for us to order invitations (yay!!!).  As I have mentioned before, we have decided to go with a Little Man theme for his big party.  While I like that this isn't necessarily your traditional first birthday theme, I have been a little disappointed at the lack of invitation options.  I thought about DIYing some, but our relatively large invite list makes standard DIY a little too time-consuming.  I even tried to design some invites in word, but I am an amateur at best, and I think the invitations would end up looking a little too homemade/cheap. 
Soooo, here are the options I've come up with.
Option 1:
Like that there is a picture (that's not Colton obviously), the text is totally customizable,
and the argyle print ties in with our little man theme.
OK, totally anal, but we are using navy blue and kelly green, so colors don't match.
Plus, I had purchase some awesome fabric to take Colton's portrait on...the problem is
it would totally clash with that argyle print, so I probably couldn't use it.
Finally, by the time you add in RSVP info, the wording gets really crowded.

***Before you read more, I know this is insanely detail-oriented obsessive...just hang in there for me, please!***
Option 2:
Again, there's a place for a picture and this time I could use my fun fabric (major bonus points). 
The color scheme also works well.
Major con is there is no little man connection, unless we put "our little man"
instead of Colton's actual name on the banner, but then would people even know who's party it is???
Option 3:
LOVE the cut out mustache.  How fun is that?
All print and colors are totally customizable, so we could get it in our color scheme.
I'm pretty sure my fabric would work.
The negative?  You buy the file from an Etsy shop and have to print the invitations yourself.
Sadly, we don't currently own a printer (long sad story from a move of yore), so we would
have to buy or borrow one.

So, there they are.  The top 3.  The lines are now open...let the voting begin (please...I would really love to hear opinions)


  1. # 3 gets my vote and #1 comes in 2nd. As for printing I know there is some way to send your file to a printing place such as kinkos/fedex. I know there is and Im currently trying to figure it out for myself and Ill let you know!

  2. I really like the first one. I was going to suggest to you...I am a graphic designer living in VA also. I could custom design something for you! If you are interested you can email me at

  3. I love #2 and mingle Monday for allowing me to stumble upon your adorable blog! You officially have a new follower! Wishing you all the best with the party planning!

  4. thumbs up for #3 ... the mustache is adorable *

  5. Your blog is so cute- I love how into this party planning you are! I wish I was more like you, maybe when I have kids!

    The third invite is ADORABLE! I just think it is so creative and fits the little man theme so well!

  6. #1 is beautiful and classic :)

  7. Thanks for all of the input guys. I really do appreciate it. I know you are on the edge of your seats, so I will let you know my decision soon

  8. I like number 3 with the mustache cut out, especially if you can customize the colors! :)


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