
December 13, 2010

Tradition, Tradition

Fiddler on the Roof, anyone? But seriously, the word "tradition" seems to be on constant rewind in our house these days. With Colton's first Christmas just a couple of weeks away, I have become a little obsessed (surprise, surprise) with solidifying some basic traditions we can begin to pass down to baby boy. Admittedly, Colton won't remember this Christmas, and any traditions we do or do not start, but what Josh doesn't seem to understand (he's a little over my "tradition" banter) is that these are for me as much as Colton.
The thing is I have always wanted to celebrate Christmas. For years, it was the most pathetic day of the year for me...all my friends were waking up to the day of their lives, while I would wake up to a day stuck inside with my brother and sister waiting for the Chinese delivery place to FINALLY open late in the afternoon (yes, the stereotypes are true). Once I became a Christmas celebrant, it was nice to be included, but my husband's family isn't really the tradition type, so Christmas has kindof fell short of my grand ideas for the day. In fact, it was a fateful Christmas two years ago that Josh and I decided to nix my monthly pills and take our chances in the baby department, knowing that a baby would inject some festive excitement into our holiday season (beyond the other daily joys he brings, of course).
Over the years, I have built what may be grand ideas of Christmas fun in my head. I envision Christmas tree decorating fun...all gathered around the tree, hot chocolate for Colton, cookies in the oven, festive music playing. I see Christmas Eve as social and Open House kind of night. In my mind, Christmas morning is spent in your pajamas, with close family, eating cinnamon buns, opening presents for hours. And finally, Christmas Day would conclude by joining extended family for more gift opening and dinner Thanksgiving style. The problem? Josh thinks I'm crazy...that I've built this up way too much and Christmas isn't really like that. But I have casually surveyed friends and even remember Christmas celebrations that I was invited to be a part of in the past, and I don't think I'm that far off here.
So this is where I need your I crazy? Or is that Christmas in a nutshell? Please comment and let me know your Christmas traditions, or lack of, as my husband seems to ***mistakenly***think is common.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Michelle,

    love the blog, you are very creative!

    We actually do the traditional in our family, Christmas Eve is always at my mother-in-laws with her husbands family...we vary the food every year like appitizers one year and Italian the next and then do a $20 gift exchange or ornament exchange by picking numbers. Then Christmas morning is just us and the kids most of the time then people come visit throughout the day and I cook the turkey and ham and all the fixings. Then the day after is back to the in-laws for her side of the family with oysters and appetizers and of course alot of alcohol!!!!

    I think you make the tradition whatever you want it to be and each year you add stuff or take away whatever didn't work the year before, just make it fun!


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