
December 2, 2010

In the Words of Earl...

Did you used to watch that show My Name is Earl. Josh and I did, mainly because it was before The Office, but anyhow, the premise is what I'm getting at here. Earl was a perpetual bad boy until one day he won the lottery and decided that karma was trying to tell him to be a better person. From that point on, he made a list of all the people he had wronged and each episode featured him attempting to right one of those wrongs, all in the name of karma.

Well, I have never won the lottery, but I whole-heartedly believe in karma. Ever since that fateful day in December back when I was in college. My dad had brought me a car a couple weeks before Christmas so I could get home for the upcoming break. I had a boyfriend back home, and was told very specifically that I was not to use the car to drive home to see him on the weekend in between. Well, of course I did it, and the trip went off without a hitch. However, the next week, when I drove home for my month-long break, with my car loaded with a month's supply of clothes, my computer (and yes, this was before the days of laptops, so we're talking tower, screen, etc), my get the picture...I got a flat tire about 2 hours away from home. I had to wait on the side of the road by myself while my dad called a tow truck for me, unpack the whole darn car on the side of the road, and then drive the remaining way on one of those stupid doughnuts. Karma, I tell you!!!
Well, karma has bit me again. Allow me to tell you a story...a story of my sunglasses. A couple years ago, Josh got me a lovely pair of sunglasses for my birthday. Not only was it a thoughtful token of his affection, but they were also pretty expensive by sunglasses standards. Well, within days, Chipper had managed to bear his little teeth marks into both lenses, and while he didn't ruin the glasses, the teeth marks were certainly visible. I felt so horrible that my husband's birthday gift had been ruined that I continued to wear them day in and day out, teeth marks visible, glasses lopsided, for the two years.
Flash forward to my brother-in-law's wedding last month. I was wearing my sunglasses there, but the next day, when I went to get them to go to work, I couldn't find them. I looked everywhere...Colton's diaper bag, my purse, Josh's car, etc., but couldn't find them. Over the next week, I continued to look for them. When my search met dead end after dead end, I decided to bite the bullet and on my weekly Target trip, I picked up a $15 pair (I figured I'd go cheap, since it was my fault they were lost). Well, you wanna hear something crazy...I'm at the cash register checking out, the lady has already bagged my new sunglasses, and I am taking my wallet out of my purse to pay for these new sunglasses, when I guess what find laying comfortably in the bottom of my purse: MY old, Chipper eaten sunglasses. Now obviously, I could have cancelled the purchase of the new sunglasses, but the clean lenses had gotten me excited, so I did what anyone would do....I bought the new sunglasses anyway. And wanting to Josh to still believe my old ones must have disappeared at the wedding, I took my old sunglasses and threw them in Target's trash can. Scandalous, I know!!!
Bear with me because here's where karma rears its ugly head. I wore my sunglasses for about a week when mysteriously they disappeared as well. Again, I looked EVERYWHERE I could think of for days and days, but with an ODU football game impending, I knew I finally reached a point where I needed a pair of shades, so I smiled at karma(you know, cause I had lied to my husband and all), headed back to Target, bought another pair of the same $15 sunglasses, and thought that would be the end of it. Nope...a couple weeks later, the second pair disappeared as well!!! I looked everywhere for a couple days, and finally relented to the fact that I would just have to be sunglass-free for the next few months.
But then, my luck seemed to turn...I found those sunglasses, right in my car. And then, even better, last Friday, I found the first pair I had bought from Target in the depths of my car as well. So, with two pairs of sunglasses, I was feeling pretty good...karma hadn't gotten me; I was just careless, and forgetful, and messy. But oh no, karma came was Friday I had two pairs of sunglasses...that Saturday Chipper got one pair off my nightstand and destroyed them (mental note: do not leave sunglasses where crazy cockapoo can reach). That Sunday, the second pair was found broken...this one's really weird because there were no teeth marks, so I don't think it was Chipper, so I really have no idea how one of the lenses just broke...hhmmm, karma I tell you.
So, here I am...sunglassless once again. I tell you my story in hopes that by coming clean, karma will stop biting my a** on this one. I get it...I should have just told my husband the truth from the beginning...
So, how bout you guys? Ever been bitten by karma? Oh, and any suggestions for new sunglasses would be greatly appreciated as well:)

1 comment:

  1. HA! The first time I came to stay at your townhouse Chipper ate my sunglasses!


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