
December 3, 2010


I have a confession to make...I HATED being pregnant. Not only did I feel like a fat cow, I was constantly stressed about everything being ok with the little boy growing inside me that I had yet to meet, and to top it off, there was the most obvious inconvenience: I couldn't drink. Now obviously, I fullheartedly agree that this was a very small sacrifice to make for the fantastic gift we have been given, but I would be lying if I didn't tell you, that my 10 months of sobriety kindof cramped my style. On a day-to-day basis, it wasn't that big of a deal...I mean I enjoy a drink as much as the next person (ok maybe even a little more), but giving up my Friday night happy hours or glasses of wine while out with Josh were totally doable. It was those occasions, you know the big ones, where EVERYONE else in the room is drinking and having the time of their lives, and you're sitting there wallowing in self-pity....those are the ones that really, really sucked! Luckily, there were really only two of those events during my pregnancy: my brother's wedding (which I guess I will just have to give up on) and my husband's company (which also happens to be my dad and brother's) holiday party. Let's just say, my night ended earlier than everyone elses when I spotted my parents slow-dancing to Jay Z's "Empire State of Mind" and couldn't find my lovely, so not joining me in the sober-quest, husband, and decided to retun to our hotel room (which thank g-d was just upstairs).

I recount this horrific night to you because this weekend is my chance for redemption...the company holiday party is upon us...tomorrow night. And this year, I will probably have my fair share of drinks along with everyone else, and who knows, may even join my parents for a lovely slow dance towards the end of the night myself. But the best part? The next morning, Josh and I will leave our hotel room and drive home to spend the day with a beautiful, healthy baby boy.

So...cheers to life, and sacrifices, and fun. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend; I am pretty sure I will:)

Josh, Colton, and I at the holiday party last year: see how much fun we're having?!?

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