
December 27, 2010

Hobbs Holiday Happenings: The Recap

When the holiday season kicked off, I was determined to establish some traditions for our young family to look forward to year after year.  Determined may even be an understatement...let's just say Josh has issued a temporary ban on the word "tradition" post-holidays.  Like most other things, though, being a mom made the holiday season take on a whole new significance that I think even my husband would agree with (although he won't admit) But despite our difference of opinion on the necessity of these yearly rituals, I think we were pretty successful in creating some great memories for now and things to look forward to in years to come.  So, here's how it all went down:
First up was Hanukkah.  We lit the candles, said the blessings, and opened presents each night:
And, of course, hosted our Vodka and Latkes party, which you can read up on here
After Hanukkah, we were excited to move on to Christmas celebrating.  We started it off with a trip to the church down the street in search of the perfect Christmas tree.   I loved going to this lot.  They even gave Colton a little cookie to take home with him (so cute!).  Josh and I decorated the tree ourselves this year...Colton is a little too squirmy to be of much decorating assistance yet...but I am already excited for next year's evening spent with ornaments, hot chocolate, and Christmas music. 

 Of course, we took Colton to meet Santa one lovely Saturday.

And he, well Josh and I, mainly, made his first homemade Christmas ornament.  I knew this wouldn't be much of a success, so we started off easy with one of those handprint plaster ones.  Josh and I both attempted to hold down baby boy's squirmy hand long enough to get his handprint, but I think the gooey substance was a little more attractive to him.  This is what we got:


all bundled up in the car to see the lights

And then, it was time to officially celebrate Christmas.  On Christmas Eve, we went out to dinner at a Japanese steakhouse.  Colton's Aunt Genna joined us, and in future years, I would love to have even more of his aunts and uncles (and hopefully even cousins!?!) join us.  After dinner, we went to see some fun Christmas lights, even one house a couple of streets over from us that had their lights synchronized to music.  Colton LOVED the lights!

On Christmas morning, Colton was joined by both sets of his grandparents for present opening. 
Food and drink are of utmost importance to me, so naturally, we had cinnamon buns and mimosas. 

Christmas night was spent at Colton's grandparents' house for a traditional meal with Josh's family.  They have a tradition in which everyone brings two lottery tickets for an exchange.  I never win anything, but it's fun nonetheless.  All this celebrating really wore our poor baby boy out, though...

So that's our holiday season in a nutshell!  With all of the fun and excitement, I feel extremely fortunate to have a loving husband, healthy baby boy, and tons of fantastic friends and family members surrounding us.  Because, after all, that is the gift and fun of the season. 

Yet, my wheels are already turning with what fun we can add next year...a little elf to watch over the house (my first graders talk about these all the time, and I can't wait!), cookie making for Santa, gingerbread house making...the possibilities are endless.  What about you all?  Did your holiday season meet, and hopefully even exceed, your expectations like ours?  Any fun traditions of your own you would like to share? 

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had such a fun Christmas!

    Stopping by from Mingle Monday!


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