
January 3, 2014

Happy Birthday Levi Shane!

I can hardly believe it, but tomorrow my baby boy turns TWO!!!!  It's so cliche to say, but my word, his little life has just flown by.  And I can hardly believe that this little baby that entered our lives two years ago...
is now the amazing, adorable toddler that he is.

  Levi is such a fun kid.  He is spunky, funny, and a total ball of energy!  The boy is always on the move and usually into something!   He has this mischievous grin, complete with dimples, that alerts us to the fact that he's about to do something he knows he's not supposed to!   But those dimples tend to give him a little longer leash than my parenting shoudl probably admit.  Plus, he's pretty hilarious, so usually his antics provide me with a good laugh.
But beside just being fun, Levi is such a sweet, happy boy.  He is such a lover!  He gives wonderful hugs, kisses, I love yous, and even snuggles (on the rare occasions that he'll sit still for more than five seconds!).  
Levi adores his big brother, and generally lives by an "if Colton can do it, then I can too" philosophy.  He is a sweet, happy, adorable that charms the pants off of anyone he meets...and I couldn't be prouder or happier to say that he's all ours!  
We love you Levi Shane and can't wait to watch you continue to grow up!
Check in next week for details on Levi's big Messy Monster bash we're having tomorrow to celebrate our messy monster!

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