
December 26, 2013

It Came, It Went, We Conquered

Five years ago at Christmas, Josh and I were driving home from his parents' house.  We had just finished our annual Christmas celebration there and while it was nice, it was a little ho hum.  I think we had had a few glasses of wine.  Who am I kidding?  We most certainly had had a few glasses of wine and somehow our conversation landed on how much more fun Christmas would be with kids to celebrate it with.  I stopped taking my birth control then and there (I feel like I should cushion this by saying we eventually had a more logical discussion to determine we were actually ready!), and about six months later, I was pregnant with Colton.
Since that fateful decision, Christmas...and life in general...has been much more exciting!  But this year was pretty much the ultimate.  The boys were so excited for Santa's arrival and all things Christmas.  
We spent Christmas Eve out looking at the lights at the beach and then at dinner with my family.  After opening gifts on Christmas morning, we headed over to my brother's house for a brunch/cousin dance party.  And then Christmas night, we went over to Josh's parents' house to do Christmas with that side of the family.
 I didn't get to celebrate Christmas growing up (that whole being Jewish thing), but I'm kind of thinking this makes up for it!  Watching the boys' excitement and pure joy was as fun for me as I'm thinking it was for them.  

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