
September 2, 2013

Happy Labor Day!

Ah Labor Day...a holiday I have a real love/hate relationship with.
 I hate it because it totally signifies that summer is over.  School starts this week along with football.  Pumpkin everything is everywhere.  And before you know it, the temperatures will start to fall and we will be wearing jeans.  (*for the record, I actually really like fall...I just don't like winter, and once fall starts, it's only a matter of time before freaking winter gets here!)
 I love it, though, because it's a three day the summer!  Plenty of chances for doing all things that make summer great: the beach, the pool, dining al fresco, hanging with friends, eating ice cream, etc.  So on this the last weekend of summer (boo....), we have been busy cramming summer in...

hitting up the water park with papa...

and nene

eating outside with cousin gavin

enjoying the beach...of course!

and taking a dip in the bubble pool
enjoying a pool party with friends



Needless to say, we've had a blast!  I hope you all have had a wonderful Labor Day weekend as well!

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