
July 24, 2013

DIY Painted Curtains

Over the last few weeks, Colton's room has received quite a bit of updating.  We upcycled an ottoman to give him some shoe storage and made him a sturdier, better looking, bigger tee pee.  And in doing both projects, we also created the need for new curtains because I used some of the fabric from his old curtains in each of the previous projects!  In fairness, we needed new curtains in there anyway, but ripping the old ones down and tearing them up pretty much sealed the deal!!!
I don't know about you all, but I always have the hardest time finding curtains that I like.  Let's modify that actually.  I can usually find curtains that I like, but not at a price point that I like.  I looked in every store I could think of...both real and online...and came up empty-handed.  So, then I turned to Plan B: buy some basic navy curtains from Target and jazz them up somehow.

Can I tell you how easy these were?!?  I've stenciled curtains before, and while I liked the result, it was a long, painful process and I knew I didn't want to go there least not now.  Luckily, I found an inspiration image on Pinterest and decided to just try my hand at it.  I painted a bunch of random circles on each curtain panel.  Some were big; some were small.  I just went with it, and in the end, this is what it looked like (pardon crappy, blurry iPhone pic):

I was a little worried it was too busy, but figured/hoped that once they were hung and bunched it would work itself out.  You be the judge, but I think it did.  In fact, I'm pretty darn pleased with the result.  High impact.  Affordable (like $20 for the pair). And easy (like an hour's work total!!!  sure beats the heck out of me!).  If you need more views to make your call, I leave you with these...

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