
November 15, 2012

Tot-Friendly Leaf Art

When I was making my fall bucket list for the boys (and me!), I knew I wanted to include some sort of leaf-themed art project.  We had done leaf rubbings last year, though, and every other craft I saw seemed to be a bit too difficult for my little ones to realistically take on.  Alas, Pinterest was to the rescue again...this time in supplying me with the idea to simply have the kids do some finger painting, and then turn those finger painting creations into some leaves.
So we got to work.  As is pretty on par with the boys' evolving personalities, Colton (our cautious one) was not a fan of the finger painting, while Levi (our renegade) LOVED it.  By the way, Colton also worked on finger painting a feather he had as a homework assignment for his class's turkey in case you spot it (and I was probably the only corny mom who was excited to do it!).

After the chaos had died down, the kitchen was cleaned up, and the paints had dried, it was time to turn their mess genius into leaves.  I got three different types to trace...two from images printed off and 1 from our backyard that Chipper happened to carry in on his back.  Because the boys are way too young and uninterested to assist (Colton's report card recently told us he shows very little interest in the class's art projects and instead prefers to play with trains.  duh.), I did the tracing, cutting, and gluing.  And in the end, I had this little fall leaf collage.

In fairness, the leaves are a little hard to spot.  But I know they're there.  And every time I look at it, I will have fond memories of our day spent finger painting.  So I consider it a win.  But truthfully, if I was doing it again, I would maybe just stick with one large leaf (or even handprint turkey or something).
 Anyone else have any ideas for other tot-friendly art projects?  I'm always on the lookout!

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