
November 26, 2012

Thankful...So Very Thankful

Ever since having children, Thanksgiving has become a particularly sentimental day for me.  Like I've mentioned before, I try to reflect on all my blessings daily, but when the day comes to put them in focus, I am oftentimes literally overwhelmed by just how much good I have in my life---particularly in the form of my family and the two sweet boys I am lucky enough to call my sons.
I am big on traditions.  None of our Thanksgiving traditions are particularly creative or note-worthy, but as we went about the day, I kept commenting to Josh just how amazing it was to not just watch the boys enjoy the activities, but also to compare them to Thanksgivings of the past!  When uploading pictures for this post, I decided to some reminiscing in parts just to see how far my little family has come...hope you don't mind!
Each Thanksgiving morning, we prepare a special breakfast.  Usually I am hosting Thanksgiving, so Josh makes pigs in a blanket.  This year, though, I wasn't hosting, so I made some French Toast Casserole.
Colton's first Thanksgiving (begging Gigi for some food with his brother)

Colton's second Thanksgiving breakfast

This year's Thanksgiving breakfast
After breakfast, we watch the Macy's parade.  Last year, Colton was pretty fascinated by the balloons...for about 2 minutes.  But this time, he seemed to get it a bit more.  His attention span was not that much better, but he kept coming back to it for bursts and even practiced his marching while watching.  For his part, Levi LOVED the parade.  He was all smiles, bounces, and claps (although in fairness, that's pretty typical for our wild child).

marching practice
As corny as it may be, I also have managed to do a little leaf photo shoot each Thanksgiving once the kids are in their Thanksgiving outfit.  Each year, these turn out to be some of my favorite pictures of the year...and I think this year will be no exception!
Colton's first Thanksgiving

Colton last year

...and both boys this year

And obviously, there's the Thanksgiving meal.  Colton has never really been a fan of the eating part of the holiday, and usually just takes a couple forced bites of everything.  Levi, though, may rank Thanksgiving as his favorite day...just because of the food...the boy loves to eat!  He even managed to snag some appetizers off the table for himself...

Just like their mama, both boys seemed to think the best part of Thanksgiving, though, was just getting to spend some time with most of their favorite people...playing, showing off, and soaking up the love

And at the end of the day, I think we could all agree (if they could really communicate it anyway) that our Thanksgiving day was perfect and a wonderful reminder of just how lucky we are to have each other
Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful too:)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great time! Love the pics of the boys--they're SO cute :)


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