
November 19, 2012

Less is More

Ever since Labor Day weekend, we have entered our weekends with a full, jam-packed agenda.  Between football games, birthday parties, travel, and out-of-town visitors, I have often made it to Monday relieved to get back to the calm!  But not this weekend.  This past weekend we had zero plans (except for a babysitter lined up for Saturday night!) and I was absolutely giddy with excitement!
Instead of schlepping our crew around all weekend, we simply got to enjoy each other. On Saturday, Colton took his dad to his favorite place ever...a jump house we recently found...and was thrilled to show off for him and show him how he does the climbing, big slides, and cars!  I, obviously, am witness to this routinely, but Josh is not, so it was nice to watch how happy they both were (Colton and Josh) to play together.  Afterwards, we go some lunch out at Five Guys (where mother-of-the-year let Levi eat a couple french fries...before noticing they are fried in peanut oil...does this mean he can have peanut butter now?!?) and then came back home to play there.
Saturday night was Josh and my aforementioned date night...our first since our anniversary August 4th (how pathetic is that?!?).  And man was it nice to get a little dolled up, head out for dinner, drinks, and some quality time with my husband.  We talked, we laughed...we didn't have to beg a toddler to just eat already or deter a baby from throwing everything on the was awesome!  And as unexpected treat we even briefly met up with a friend of mine who was nearby at a bar (I may have cheered when we got there and it was already so past 10PM...that we got id'd and wristbands).  
On Sunday, we met my sister and her boyfriend out for breakfast and then I took the boys to a birthday party for one of Colton's classmates (I had already promised Josh he could have a football day as a thank-you for my recent nights out!).
 After the boys were tucked in Sunday night, Josh and I had a little conversation about just how amazing our children are.  Taking the time to watch them laugh, play, talk/babble, explore, etc made both us really appreciate this family that we have created.  I'm someone who generally likes to be busy, but this weekend was a nice reminder that sometimes it really is nice to slow it down some and just enjoy the life we are building for ourselves. 

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