
October 29, 2012

Epic Fail

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I mentioned that Josh and I would soon be travelling to Nashville?  Well, we went.  And this is where we ended up....
But that doesn't even do the misery of this trip justice.  Let me backtrack a bit and explain.  It all started the Saturday morning before we were scheduled to leave.  At that time, the boys were supposed to spend their nights with my sister and their days with Josh's parents.  Well, Saturday morning, Josh's parents called and after some back-and-forth, it was decided they would no longer be watching the boys (as you can probably guess, that's a whole story in and of itself, but I haven't quite decided if I want to go there here, so we'll see what the future holds!).  We called in a back up (Josh's cousin), and all was good.  Or so we thought...
That afternoon, Josh started feeling bad.  Sunday, Monday, and most of Tuesday he was downright miserable.  My mom had also been sick with pretty similar symptoms and decided Tuesday that she and my dad wouldn't be making the trip (I've mentioned before that Josh and my dad work together, so they were both supposed to be going to the same parents cancelling was actually a pretty major bummer because I don't get a chance to hang out with them sans kiddos ever, and I had really been looking forward to doing so).  Josh decided that he was getting better, and that we would make the trip.  So, Tuesday night, I packed up my suitcase.  Wednesday morning we woke up at 6AM for our flight, Josh hesitated, I told him the last thing I wanted to do was be in a Nashville hotel room watching him lay in bed (famous last words), he insisted he was feeling the babysitter came over, we kissed the boys good bye, and headed to the airport.  
Right before we boarded the plane, I got a phone call from our babysitter saying she couldn't get the car to move and therefore couldn't get Colton to school (I have a push start car, and it turns out the battery was dead in the key).
We got there, found out our babysitter had figured out how to use the valet key to the car instead and while Colton didn't make it to school, they had had a fun morning playing...things seemed to be looking up.  Josh wasn't quite feeling 100%, but swore he needed just one more day to be there.  I spent the afternoon walking around with his coworkers and their wives while he rested up in the room, and at night we got dressed to go to the welcome reception.
All seemed to be turning around...and then we got a text from the babysitter.  To paraphrase, it said that upon leaving our house, she felt like garbage...went to the doctor and was diagnosed with mono...needless to say, she wouldn't be able to watch the boys the rest of the week.  Naturally, we panicked and looked into flights home.  But with my parents now home, we worked out a solution between them, their neighbor, and my sister, and another crisis seemed to be averted.
The next morning, Josh woke up saying he felt worse than he had all week...SUPER!  I insisted he go to a doctor (finally!), and luckily our resort had one on property, so we headed there when it opened at 10.  Lo and behold, he tested positive for the flu.  And with no clear end in sight, I immediately called Southwest, got our flight home switched to later that day, and bid farewell to our little getaway.  
To say we should have heeded the warnings earlier in the week is probably an understatement.  But, hey, I'm try not to be one who dwells on negatives.  Ya know, the glass half full kind of gal.  So, in that light, let's look at the positives of this little adventure:
  *It made for a good story.
  *We used up our bad trip karma (hopefully).
  *Our resort (the Gaylord Opryland) was really pretty inside, and made for nice scenery while walking around (both of those pictures are from the inside!).

  *I can say I went to Nashville.
  *I did get to see the Grand Ole Opry while I was there.

  *We did manage to squeeze in a tiny bit of adult fun (Wednesday night when Josh thought he was getting better...he only had 1 beer, but we were out!).
  *I managed to get in a whole bunch of reading while I was watching my sick husband lay in our hotel room (book review to come later!).
  *I picked up some souvenirs for the boys

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