
July 10, 2012

...and More Importantly, Happy Birthday Levi!

Yesterday, I shared with you our busy Fourth celebration.  What I neglected to mention was that while the Fourth was obviously America's birthday, it was more importantly (at least in our house) Levi Shane's half-birthday! Can you believe it?!?  My baby is 6-MONTHS old!!!
And what an eventful month he has had!  My infant is gone and in his place is a baby...babbling, sitting, playing, giggling...all the good stuff!  Levi continues to be totally enamored with his brothers.  One of his favorite games seems to be watching Colton and Chipper chase each other around the room (he cracks up as they whiz by him), which certainly doesn't bode well for Chipper once Levi is mobile too!    Oh, and then there's the sleeping through the night, which of course is pretty huge (at least to his dad and me!). 
Levi has also sprouted a head full of hair over the month...I swear, each day there's more and more...but it's blonde!!!  And he has beautiful blue eyes that I think are here to stay as they are getting bluer and bluer.  I don't know how I produced a blue-eyed, blonde hair, fair-skinned child, but I'll take it cause he's pretty stinkin cute if you ask me (I'm not biased or anything).  
Over the month, Levi mastered sitting up.  He's also starting to work on crawling.  He gets himself up on all fours...and has even managed to move one of his arms forward...but then he can't quite get the other one going and plops back to his super baby pose.  Oh well, I'm sure he'll get it soon.
Levi is a happy, easy-going baby.  I honestly don't know how we got so lucky twice.  I look at these boys and feel so fortunate to be their mommy.


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