
April 6, 2012

Lotsa Matzo

As a blogger, I am often embarrassed by my incredible lack of originality when coming up with blog post titles.  As much as I rack my brains, I can never come up with anything that is slightly creative and end up just going with basics like "Levi: Month 3"....catchy, I know!
So, when the above little rhyme about matzo popped in my head, I was so pleased.  Trust me, I'm the first to admit, it's really not that clever, but it's a little more creative, so I ran with it.  Please forgive me.
And now after all that rambling, let's get down to the real business of this post: matzo.  For those of you who do not know, Passover is a Jewish holiday during which we Jews can not eat leavened products, leaving us with matzo in place of bread.  The eight days start tonight at sundown.  Luckily for me, I happen to really like matzo, so this isn't usually a big deal to me.
Aside from just putting some I Can't Believe It's Not Butter on a piece, there's this other tastiness to look forward to.  I know most of you are thinking "I'm a non-Jew...I have no need for these recipes." But, I promise you lovely readers, these little gems are good enough that anyone and everyone could and should try them...
There's matzo brei, one of my all-time favorite breakfast meals, basically made by soaking matzo in some water, mixing it up with some eggs and cooking it just like you would with scrambled eggs.
And this chocolate/caramel matzo I saw on Pinterest and made for our Passover Seder this evening:
my picture, but recipe via
And, of course, there's matzo ball soup!  Now, there's good matzo ball soup, and there's bland matzo ball soup.  My grandmother happened to make an awesome matzo ball soup, and I was lucky to inherit her recipe, which I am now happy to share with you now.  If you've never had matzo ball soup, I really suggest you try it.  I promise even non-Jews will find this stuff tasty!
Matzo Ball Soup

  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 3/4 cup chicken fat, softened (or oil)
  • 2 cups matzo meal
  • 1 cup chicken soup
  • salt and pepper to taste
1.  Mix all together and stir until becomes solid.  Refrigerate over night.
2.  Bring 4-6 quarts of water and a little salt to a boil.  Shape the dough into 1-2 inch balls.
3.  Once water is boiling, lower to simmering, add the balls, cover, and cook for 20 minutes.  
4.  Drain on a boiling pan.
5.  Serve with heated chicken stock.

I know most of you are thinking "I'm a non-Jew...I'll never need the
Make it for your Passover Seder...or Easter brunch...or just for whatever!  Have a great weekend, and enjoy celebrating...whatever you may be celebrating.

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