
March 19, 2012


OK, so officially I know Spring doesn't start until tomorrow (or maybe it's even the day after), but who cares about technicalities.  With temperatures hanging out in the 70s (and even some 80s) around here, I have officially decided SPRING IS HERE!
And I couldn't be more excited.  Spring is most definitely my favorite season.  When the temperatures first start getting warmer, I swear I feel like everything is right with the world again...not that it is ever so terrible for me, but the warmth and sunshine just seem to make me lighter and happier and whatever else!
Last week as the mercury climbed and the days stayed brighter longer and I enjoyed every minute of it, I got to thinking about what exactly it was that made springtime so awesome.  While I couldn't narrow it down to just one thing, I certainly did come up with some reasons:
1.  THE BEACH...there is nothing like returning to the beach for the first time of the season, getting that first tan line, soaking up the sun, etc.  And in the spring, the beach is even better because (a.) it's not so hot out there that you don't even really work up a sweat (b.) there are no tourists/crowds competing for beach space...just pure peace and relaxation (and chasing after a toddler, who actually seems much better at entertaining himself at the beach this year...fingers crossed the novelty won't wear off!)
notice there's no one even around us!
2.  al fresco dining...Josh asks what I want for dinner this time of year, my typical response is "anywhere that we can sit outside."  I don't know what it is, but there is something super relaxing about eating a meal outside.

3.  My standard spring outfit...a Target dress and flip takes about 2 minutes to put on, is comfortable, looks presentable, AND hides post-baby weight pretty
Mossimo Kimono dress
4.  The boys are easier.  Getting out of the house is easier because we don't have put on jackets/hats/gloves/etc.  Buckling them in the car seats is easier because they don't have all that crap on.  Finding something to do is easier because we can be outside...parks, beach, Colton's sandbox, sprinklers, slide, etc.  They nap better (well, at least so far Colton has...Levi's still pretty consistent regardless!) because they're tired.  Life is good!
     ***Oh and as a bonus, Josh is happier because I'm spending less money because all of those activities are free as opposed to the ones I did to entertain us in the winter.
5.  Our screened-in porch...much like the logic with the outdoor eating, I love sitting out there at nights with a glass of wine, and hope to have a hammock out there soon (thank you birthday money!) to enjoy a good book by day.  Doesn't it just sound like I'm on vacation or something?!?

6.  Outdoor festivals...I don't know if it's just around here, but in the Spring there is some kind of "festival" every weekend...Patriotic Festival at the beach, Harbor Fest, Jubilee, the Wine Festival (my personal favorite).  From what I can tell, these are basically just excuses to be outside, have a few drinks, and maybe eat a funnel cake or something of that sort.  In other idea of fun!
old school Josh and me at the Chesapeake Jubilee

So, to sum things up...I'm a happy camper right now (except for the damn allergies and bees).  How bout you guys?  Are you as spring-happy as me?
Needless to say Spring is on my brain big time, so don't be surprised if this week you're bombarded with all kinds of springtime conversation over here in my little world!  


  1. I'm actually going to be one of those pesky tourists on your beaches come August. My family rented a house on VA Beach for a week. I'm so looking forward to it!

    We don't exactly have beaches in Buffalo, NY. :)

    1. Oh yay !! When? Where? Email me if you have any questions/need recommendations...

  2. I love love love Spring, so I am totally with you! Happy birthday!! :)


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