
March 14, 2012

Post Baby Slim Down: Week 10

I can not believe my sweet baby boy is already ten weeks old.  And sadly, I can also not believe how little progress I have made over those ten weeks in the weight loss front.  I've always believed that weight loss should be measured not just by a scale, and I'm trying hard to focus on that fact now because as little as my actual number has gone down over the last few weeks, I do actually feel (and think I look) a lot smaller.  So, I'm going to keep plugging away, trying to dig myself out of this massive hole I created when I crazy-indulged while preggo.
So, here's what I look like now:

And the stats:
Goal: get into my pre-maternity pants (approximately 18 pounds to go)
Recent Progress: I have lost 4 more pounds in the four weeks, so basically a pound a week...again, I would have liked to have about doubled that, but at least its going down and not up, right?
Diet: I have gotten really good at managing my Weight Watchers points (26) for the day.  I've even managed to eliminate most of the snacking and random handfuls of Goldfish that certainly weren't helping my cause.  Weekends always have been, and remain, a challenge for me with parties, drinks, Josh being home, tempting me to get off track.
Exercise: Some people are better dieters and others better at working out...I'm better at working out.  I go to the gym three days a week and do 45 minutes of cardio while there (30 minutes of running (at 5.7 on the treadmill).  Two days a week I do Jillian Michael's "30 Day Shred" at Level 2.  Like I said earlier, despite my relatively slow number progress, at least all this exercising does seem to be paying off in terms of toning me up and slimming me down.
Struggles: Patience!!!  I really have no choice but to continue plugging away at this weight loss thing.  I mean, I really can't/don't want to be this weight forever, so I just have to learn to come to terms with the fact that my progress is healthy and realistic and that I will one day get to my goal weight, even though it may take longer (much longer) than I had wanted!
Successes: My brother told my mom that he thought I had lost a lot of don't know my brother (well, a few of you probably do), but he is not the type to notice weight and certainly not the type to comment on it.  So, it definitely gave me a little boost to know that my progress was not all in my head!


  1. Good for you! You can do it, 4 pounds in a week is really great!

  2. I notice a difference in your pics! And yes, you're heading in the right direction. I have only about 6 pounds to go, but I still can't fit into my regular jeans :( Let us know when you hit that point!


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