
February 15, 2012

Weight Loss Progress: Week 6

I'm back with another installment of my weight loss journey.  The past few weeks have been a struggle as I have had to come to terms with the fact that this pregnancy weight doesn't just fly off.  Of course I knew that going in, and I do thoroughly believe in the slow and steady approach, but it is still a little frustrating to watch the scale only move slightly (although I guess I should be happy I'm losing at all).  So, here's the stats:
pardon the toddler who thinks every picture should star him...

Goal: get into real pants (approximately 22 pounds to go)...although I did have to compromise and go out and buy a pair of jeans that are about 1-2 sizes too big because my maternity jeans were too big and I had to keep trying to pull them up...progress, right???
Recent Progress: I have lost 3.5 more pounds in the three weeks (down 3, then up .5, and finally down 1)
Diet: Still doing Weight Watchers and now that I am done breastfeeding, I am given 27 points a day.  For me, I usually break that down to about 3 for breakfast, an apple for a morning snack, no more than 7 for lunch, 2-3 for an afternoon snack, no more than 12 for dinner, and then 3 for my evening bowl (well, 1/2 cup) of ice cream.
Exercise: I've actually had major progress here.  I began running again and like most things, I had a process.  I started off with running 2 minutes, walking 8 minutes and repeating and gradually increased the amount of time I was running and decreased the amount of time I was walking.  I started off doing it outside, but last week returned to the gym/treadmill.  I am up to walking 2 minutes (at 3.7) and running 8 (at 5.4) for 30 minutes total and then doing an elliptical or stair machine for another 10 minutes.  I also started doing the "Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred" two mornings a week while Colton is in school.
Struggles: I guess my biggest struggle right now would be being honest about what I'm eating.  I have done better with minimizing snacking, but I still manage to sneak in a few handfuls of Goldfish or something similar over the course of the day.  And sometimes my 1/2 cup of ice cream kind of overflows a bit.  And yeah, I could probably be making better choices when I eat out as well, especially with staying away from those damn bread plates and chip bowls.  So, the goal for the next few weeks is to really try to reign all that in and see if I get a little more exciting results.
Successes: The exercising has definitely started to pay off, as my belly is ***beginning***to fact, I can actually feel muscle underneath the lovely layer of padding...whew, it's been awhile.  Plus, I was able to get my rings on again.  So, I guess while the number may be creeping lower, there are other signs of progress to hang my hat on.

So, that's where we are.  Any other Weight Watchers people have some good food recommendations in those point ranges?  I get so sick of eating the same things, ya know?


  1. One of my favorite lunches involves the Minute Rice cups of rice that you microwave for a minute mixed with a half package of those pre-cooked chicken strips (I do southwest chicken for extra flavor). It comes in right at 7 or 8 points, I don't remember, and then I add to it with some kind of fruit.

    1. Thanks so much Anna! I love rice and anything quick for lunch so this sounds perfect:)


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