
February 23, 2012

He's On the Move

Our sweet, baby boy is on the move door that his own nursery.  That's right, our little man is growing up so fast.
all ready for his first night...

Honestly, I had planned to keep him in our room a bit longer.  Colton stayed with us until he was 2 months old, so I reasoned that was precisely when Levi should move too (ya know don't want him to come back at us in his teen years scarred because we kicked him out of our room earlier than his brother and thus must not love him as much or something).
But Levi is a pretty loud, grunty sleeper.  Oftentimes, he will make noises in the night and it's hard to tell if he's waking up.  or choking.  or just breathing.
So, when I took him to the pediatrician last week I asked her when it was appropriate to move him.  She told me she had moved hers when he was a week old because she couldn't handle the noises.  AHA!  Our problem precisely!  I went on to explain to her that I actually thought I may be waking him up more than he wanted because I was wrongfully assuming he was hungry when in reality he wasn't.  Her response?  "Sounds like it's time to move him."
After going out to purchase our additional camera for the baby monitor and installing it Saturday, Levi made his big move.
Luckily, it was a pretty seamless transition.  He's still waking up about as frequently, but in between feedings, the room is much quieter!  Plus, we seem to have so much more space in the bedroom without his cosleeper taking up valuable real estate!  And I must say it is pretty nice to feel like we have reclaimed our own more BIG step towards things slowly returning to normal (well our new normal anyway) around here.

1 comment:

  1. When we moved Taylor into her nursery (2 months on the nose), our bedroom became ours again and it felt so good!!! I think it's good. I'm not against co-sleeping, but I think getting the kids into their own room early can prevent long term bedsharing that I really don't want to do.


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