
December 29, 2011

The Shit People Say

OK, so admittedly I'm a bit testy.  I'm definitely way over being pregnant.  For one, I have been 10,000 times more uncomfortable with baby Levi than I ever remember being with Colton (I don't think it's just a case of rose-colored glasses either because Josh has confirmed that I didn't complain as much with Colton either!).  Plus, I had genuinely hoped my doctor would agree to bump up my c-section date to Dec. 27th, but when everything checked out normal (blood pressure, baby heart rate, etc), he wouldn't budge (*obviously I am glad things checked out well, but was kind of hoping we would have a medical excuse to end this game a week early).  And to top it off, I was having regular contractions (10 minutes apart) almost 2 weeks ago and got my hopes up that it meant something was about to happen...obviously no bueno on that account as well.
yep, this is pretty much how I look/feel

So with that in mind, I am sure these observations are just the ramblings of an over-it pregnant woman, but I have started to notice that people seem to have pretty predictable, now obnoxious, observations when they note my clearly very pregnant self:

  • "You look grrreeeaatt!"  OK seriously, most of you didn't even know me before I was pregnant, so I don't know what you think I looked like before, but let me tell you, great is not the word for how I look. I look HUGE and whale-like.  And your exaggeration of the word great doesn't really serve to make it more believable.  It may seem like a nice comment, but it's clearly fake, or you're delusional, or you just thought I was really big to begin with.
  • "But you're all belly." (usually said when I respond to the first comment with how large I actually am).  Again, you didn't know me before, but my legs were one of the first things to gain weight in pregnancy (both times....super...and let's just point out, that my legs have never really needed any extra padding).  And when I say weight, I mean lots of it!  So thank you, but again, you're delusional or thought I was this big to begin with.
  • "Gosh, he has really dropped."  I've decided this must be the late-pregnancy equivalent of the "ooohh, you've really popped" at the beginning of pregnancy.  Maybe it's true, maybe it's not, but I'm thinking most people don't really think I've dropped...they probably just can't think of anything else to say (which I guess is better than lying and saying how great I look!).
  • "Is he gonna be here before Christmas?" (obviously only said before Christmas actually came and went) Well shit, I don't know...he'll be here when he wants to be here (or on January 4th when I have my scheduled c-section!).  A fun response to this one is always, "well I'm Jewish anyway so it really doesn't matter to me..."shuts people right up.  OK, I wish I could be that bitchy, but I have never actually brought myself to answer with that.  I just smile and say, "we hope so" or something else like that.
I'm sure there's a whole bunch more, but my brain is just about done right about now.  Sorry if I sound completely bitter.  You other pregnant or formerly pregnant people understand, though, right?  What annoying ones am I leaving out?


  1. Hang in there Michelle!! *hugs*

  2. In the vein of the Christmas thing--I've really started being annoyed by people telling me I should have the baby on a specific date because it's their birthday/anniversary/whatever. If I didn't know that significant fact about you before I was pregnant, I certainly don't care now. I'm also tired of people telling me to have my baby before the new year for the tax break. I won't be full-term until the 2nd and due date isn't until the 23rd, so let's be realistic here.

  3. I had to comment. i've been reading your blog for a while and love all your decorating ideas. I am pregnant with my 3rd. Due march 20th. It doesnt help that my starting weight this time is what my ending weight was with my first... but i have completely strangers comment "wow - you must be due any day now right? and when I tell them march they always always say - are you sure you aren't having twins. I already feel large enough and dont need people telling me i'm even bigger than I already am

    good luck with the baby boy. My first 2 are boys and they are the best of friends. I love watching them play together. THey are 3 years apart. I'm having a girl now



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