
November 29, 2011

Random Musings

I don't know about you other blog authors out there, but whenever something happens around our humble abode, I find myself constantly asking if it qualifies as a blog post or not.  Frequently, I come up with the "eh, maybe" response. So, today, instead of trying to stretch one of those maybes into a full-length rambling, I figured I would just share with you some of the smaller things that have been going on around here.              
Random Thought 1: A couple of weeks ago, I noticed Colton kept rubbing at his head and would cry for about 30 seconds before moving on.  I was really freaked out about it, and even thought about taking him to the doctor (I have a terrible tendency to immediately mind jump to the worst possible this case, that my sweet toddler had a brain tumor...and then fixate on that instead of the more likely possibilities like a headache, or bump, or just nothing).  Instead, we just got started with our day and I figured I would monitor him.  As we ran errands and played and stuff, I didn't notice him doing it as much.  And then right before naptime, my little boy sneezed, and out of his nose came a bonafide, full-length spaghetti noodle (we had spaghetti the night before).  Ever since, I have been utterly perplexed as to how said noodle made it up his nose to begin with.  I sit right next to him and Josh is across from him at dinner time, so I can't believe we would have missed him shoving it up his nose.  But, really, how else would a noodle have gotten up there?  (by the way, insights would be greatly appreciated) Needless to say, once the noodle was out, there were no more problems with his head!

Chipper finally eating his treat...7 hours later
Random Thought 2: Chipper gets lots of treats around here. Sadly, he gets one Beggin Strip every time we leave the house because we have learned it is easier to give him that then have him get out and be chased through the neighborhood.  He has no problem with these and devours them immediately, but for some reason, if he is is given something newer/bigger/better, he can't seem to figure out what to do with it.  That, or he just doesn't want to eat it and then have it gone.  I don't know, but one recent Sunday, Josh brought him home a special bone from the hardware store.  Chipper proceeded to carry it around in his mouth for the next 7 hours, not making any motion towards actually eating it, but refusing to let it out of his mouth or sight.  He wouldn't go to outside or play with us (so, not Chipper).  When we had left the house and came back home, he quickly said hello and then hurriedly retreated back to his treat.  Weirdo, right?

Random Thought 3: I've said my most random for last, so be warned.  Is it just me or do you all ever see people/things on the street and then dwell on the circumstances behind them?  Case in point: a couple of weeks ago I was driving through our neighborhood and spotted a random man pulling a suitcase down the street.  Not that it matters, but this is definitely not a normal sighting in our neighborhood and from what I could gather, he did not appear to be homeless or anything of that nature.  As I proceeded to leave the neighborhood and turn on to the main street, the man also crossed the street.  He started full out sprinting to a 7-11 on the corner.  As I proceeded to go about my day (and the next few weeks), my mind has brainstormed all kinds of stories as to where this man was going/why he was carrying a suitcase/why he was walking and not driving...did he need to get to the airport and somehow had no ride/cell phone, was he leaving his wife and sneaking out with just one suitcase, was he visiting family and just got so sick of it that he  had to leave?  I mean, the possibilities are endless, and unfortunately, I will never know what was up with this man.  It is amazing to me how many times my thoughts have returned to this totally random sighting and dwelled on it! I half-wish I had just stopped in that 7-11 with him!  Please tell me someone else out there does this too?  Josh thinks I am absolutely insane for giving these strangers' actions (I do it often...that was just one example) even a moment's thought!

1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud at the spaghetti noodle! It's so funny/interesting/scary what kiddos will put up their noses haha.
    I also wonder about random people on the street, so you're not alone on that one! :)


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