
October 28, 2011

Pregnancy Update: Week 30

When I posted my Week 25 pregnancy update here, my logic was I would keep this up every five weeks as a way of documenting the changes and whatnot.  The good news is the last 5 weeks have flown by!  It feels like just yesterday I was typing that Week 25 update.  And now we are officially at 10 weeks (and actually 9 if I get my way and convince my doctor to deliver this baby (by scheduled C-section mind you since I had one with Colton) a week early and in time for a lovely tax break!) til Baby X's arrival!  So exciting:)
Well, first the obligatory snapshot of me at 30 weeks:
pardon the crappy iPhone picture plus suitcase and toddler sharing the mirror!

And now for the juicy tidbits...

Weight Gain:  Yep, still totally avoiding the scale and in fact, didn't even bother to look at my last appointment, so I can't really tell you.  I can tell's A LOT!  I'm massive!

Maternity Clothes:  Now that fall temperatures have arrived, I have a lot more actual maternity wear to sport because I bought a lot of it when I was pregnant with Colton.  Plus, I really don't get dressed but so often since I'm no longer working, so I really haven't had to buy too much stuff.  I did buy a maternity hoodie and fleece from Old Navy last week to put over outfits just like the one above.  Warning if you are thinking about purchasing these as well...definitely go with the smaller size if in doubt!  I'm usually a small there, but went with the medium to give myself room to grow...even at 30 weeks, there is still A LOT of room in there.

Sleep:  I'm still sleeping well, although I have been up bright and early (think 6ish) the last few days because I have just been unable to sleep longer.  I don't know if that's pregnancy related, but may as well mention it, huh?

Cravings:  Nothing in particular, just food in any and all forms and in large quantities...the worse for me, the better.

Movement:  Baby X is a busy guy.  He kicks often and is also a pusher.  Some days I swear he is literally trying to climb out or something.

Belly Button Status:  Still holding steady as in. Very stretched out and poking out at the edges, but still in...

Best Moment of the Weeks:  Well, passing the diabetes test without having to do the three hour one was definitely pretty sweet.  But, feeling this baby move around has probably been my highlight.  I have mentioned before that Colton was a very calm fellow, so it has been fun to experience a mover!

What I Miss:  Cold medicine!  I have had a pretty typical, but still no-fun cold for the past few days and man it SUCKS to have to battle it without my trusty Ny-Quil!  Oooh Baby X, the sacrifices mommy is making for you...

And the not so pretty: You know what?  I really don't have anything overly exciting.  As I previously mentioned, I am massive and sure to get even bigger, but I really have to knock on wood or thank some higher power because I continue to have a very uneventful pregnancy.

1 comment:

  1. You look great! I think you are a lot smaller at this point than you were with Colton. I can't wait to meet your adorable baby boy :)


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