
October 19, 2011

My Kind of Gallery

When we bought our first townhouse years ago, I had big plans for a gallery wall there.  We were fresh off our wedding, so I went ahead and blew up a few photos of friends, family, and ourselves and stuck them in frames.  I managed to add a shot of Chipper when we first got him, but since then, my gallery wall lost steam.  A part of the problem stemmed from the fact that the setup just didn't carry over well to our new house.
But with not many family photos on display in our house, I wanted a place that we could appropriately display them. new gallery wall:
And a close-up:
I'm really loving it!  And best of all, making it was not only totally easy, but also way affordable thanks to my trip to Ikea last week.  There, I picked up 12 sets of white Nyttja frames ($2.99 for a set of 2).  Once home, I printed out the pictures I wanted (we decided to stick with just our immediate family of Josh, Colton, Chipper, and baby in a couple of avoid conflicts over who was represented and who was not; sadly we have some family members who seem to harp on that these days!).  After filling the frames, I arranged them and then flipped them over and used duct tape (I sprung the $3 for a roll of white just in case there were some cracks it showed through) to secure all the frames together:
sorry you can't see the tape that well, but it's running both horizontally and vertically
And then I hung the whole thing up together to get the lovely gallery wall you saw above!
On a side note, I had originally thought of hanging each frame individually, so that I could switch out pictures more easily.  I went with the duct tape, though, because I figured there would be less potential for gaps and issues.  So far, so good...and I'm hoping the duct tape won't be too bad when it comes time to change out a picture.

So what do you all think?  Anybody else with some fun gallery walls in your house?


  1. Thanks for stopping by from the Wander. I love this collage and so budget friendly. I wish we had an ikea nearby.

  2. This is such a great idea! I've got to find a way to incorporate it into our home. Thanks for the inspiration. :) (Visiting from YHL!)

  3. i LOVE LOVE LOVE gallery walls. found you via yhl. this is a fantastic wall. you should be proud!


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