
September 14, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

It's been a long time since I participated in this fun link up, but I'm feeling mucho love today, so I'm thinking it's a good day to join in the fun once again.  If you want to link up as well, just go visit Jamie and join the party.

I'm loving my DIY knock-off Pottery Barn mirror.  It has been over a week since I completed it and proudly displayed it in my living room, but I still can't get over how easy it was and how perfectly it accents our decor.  I'm even looking forward to swapping out the summer decor for a cozy, fall mantle.  (You can read the tutorial here if you're interested.)
I'm loving that even though my son still has a very limited vocabulary, one word he clearly knows is football (pronounced more like bah-ball, but still).  I have been an avid Steelers fan since the day I was born and was very excited to pass this tradition on to Colton.  Clearly, I've accomplished my mission.  Plus, look how cute he looks in his jersey (if you read regularly, sorry to bombard you with this picture again).

I'm loving the Hunger Games.  The book has been suggested to me for awhile, but it didn't really seem like my kind of thing, so I resisted.  But I downloaded these to my iPad (well technically I had to download them to Kindle on iPad...I guess Apple doesn't sell them?) right before the "hurricane" a few weeks back in case we lost power.  I started reading it this past week at the gym, and am totally into it!
I'm loving that Vienna and Casey got kicked off "Bachelor Pad" FINALLY!  True, the whole thing is over now, but I am so happy they didn't win.  I have never watched two more annoying people in my life.  Week in and week out, they made me want to throw the remote at the tv (of course I just kept watching, though...I'm a sucker for mindless tv!).  So at least, the rest of the gang finally wised up and got rid of them!
haha...peace out!
I'm loving how lucky I am to be an official stay-at-home mom.  Yes, I am having a bit of an identity struggle and would love to find a way to work a little at something I love and (fingers crossed) even bring in a bit of income.  But I think back to this time last year and remember how stressed out I was at dealing with the start of the school year and the guilt I felt with how little time I was able to spend with my baby boy, and I realize how fortunate I am to get to be the mom and wife that I want to (and that I know so many others would love to).  So, thanks to my wonderful husband for working so hard to give me this life.  I love him (and our 1 1/2 boys + crazy cockapoo)!


  1. Stopped by from WILW great blog! Hope you find something you love! Good luck and look foward to reading more!

  2. I know that I couldn't do all I did as a classroom teacher and all I do as sahm. Something would have to give.


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