
September 23, 2011

Pregnancy Update: Week 25

I often see on other blogs the weekly pregnancy know the ones with the cute pictures and  updates on all sorts of topics.  Well, I have neglected to do the same.  For one, I am not necessarily eager to take a picture each week to share with the whole world...this isn't my most flattering time after all.  And secondly, I'm not sure my weekly rants on being a pregnant woman would make for riveting reading.
But, I have told you all before that I treat this little blog as my very public journal/diary, and considering this will be my last foray into this whole pregnancy thing, I do want to have some documentation of what's going on.  So, you get to join in on the fun.  First, the obligatory picture of me at 25 weeks:
oh how I miss my Sony hybrid camera:(

And now for some stats for you (I borrowed the topics from some other blogs I have read that did this thing weekly).

Weight Gain:  Well, I am avoiding the scale like the plague, so I'm not quite sure how exactly this is going.  But at my last appointment, we were a solid plus 20.

Maternity Clothes:  One of the good things about it being warm is that I can still wear all of my pre-maternity dresses.  I have had to give up my pants and skirts, but luckily found a really good knee-length skirt from Target that I have been living in.  I pair it (and any other bottom I put on) with the Mossimo extra long tanks for my everyday look....literally, everyday, as evidenced by the above shot!

Sleep:  Luckily, no problems to report here.  I went about a week or two with some nights spent up for about 3-4 hours, but they're gone for now...yay!

Cravings:  Nothing healthy, and everything sweet.  I really don't even know if these are cravings or just an excuse to eat all this horrible stuff.  Remember the plus 20 from above?  It didn't come from nothing!

Movement:  This guy's much more active than Colton was (although that's not saying much...Colton was a pretty calm one!).  I've realized I don't take the time to sit down often, but it's pretty much a shoe-in that when I do, I will feel some kicks (and see my belly moving too).

Belly Button Status:  Holding steady as in.  We'll see.

Best Moment of the Week:  Colton's favorite body part is "belly"...first his and now mine (it's pretty hard to miss after all).  He has been lifting up my shirt to point to it for awhile, but now he kisses it.  I love that he is already kissing his little brother.

What I Miss:  Anyone who knows me well would probably guess that I would say wine, and yes it is embarrassingly true how much I miss the stuff (and beer at tailgates/football games).  But honestly, I think I miss my figure more.  I know that sounds so petty, but I miss getting dressed and feeling like I look good.  And I totally miss shopping...true shopping, not "man I hope I can squeeze into this."  I know, a small price to pay.

And the not so pretty: Some of the ordinary pregnancy ankles/feet hurt like HELL if I stand on them too long.  I pee constantly (the only positive is Colton is definitely learning what the potty is for...maybe we'll kick potty training while we're at it!).  And worst of all,  a regular digestive system is clearly a distant memory.  I don't go for days, resulting in some frequent and stinky gas in's that for TMI for ya?  I know your day is now complete now that you know that little tidbit.

So there it pregnancy at 25 weeks.  14 more to go!!!  By the way, yes I know there are 40 weeks in a pregnancy, but considering I am having a scheduled C-section, I fully intend to have it scheduled about a week before my January 6th due date (we have a tax break to reap after all!).
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend.  Looks like we may need to build some arcs to get through ours (it's been raining for a couple of days and is supposed to keep it up for the next few days).  Anyone have some fun plans?


  1. you look really good! I love that Colton kisses the belly! So freakin sweet :)

  2. You look great. Pregnant mommas have that glow. :)


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