
September 30, 2011

Nursery Progress

If everything goes according to plan, my newest little man should be here in about 3 months.  I don't know what our problem has been, but we have not made nearly as much progress in his room (or Colton's new room for that matter) as I remember having made in Colton's at this point...and the really scary thing is we didn't even live in our current house until 1 month before Colton was actually born.  I guess it was the excitement of the first child, but I was busy pretty much from day one buying and creating nursery decor.
But this week, I seem to have finally gotten my arse in gear and have made some very small progress.  For one, I picked out some bedding
ignore the blanket...I didn't design one because we bought one with Colton and have never used it!
I actually designed the bedding from this site.  For awhile, I had debated trying to learn to sew and DIY my own bedding, but then I fell in love with the fabrics available there (and a little obsessed with designing different options for a bit) and figured why mess with a good thing.  It's a little pricier than Josh we wanted to spend, but we really don't need much for this child, so I figure why not splurge on something, right?  Plus, I've had a few relatives asking what they could get us, and I really couldn't think of much, so maybe the bedding will strike someone's fancy!

In other nursery news, I also scored some major deals on some lamps for the nursery.  I had envisioned 2 lamps for the nursery in the same shape, but one slightly larger for the reading corner and a smaller one for the changing table/dresser.  In my head, I was going for some sort of tear drop shape.  Well, guess what I found at Target this weekend:

They were on clearance for $7 for the small one and $20 for the big one.  Obviously, the red and black will not work in our nursery, but that's nothing a can of spray paint can't fix.  Yay!

So, it may not be much, but at least we're starting, right?  What do you guys think of the bedding?  Good for a little boy's room?


  1. The picture of your lamps didn't post :(

  2. Thanks Jenn:) I totally forgot to include worries; it's there now!


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