
September 16, 2011

From Trash to...

Operation Get Ready for Baby is in full effect in our house...well, full effect may be a bit strong, but we have started.  Step 1 was to get some spaces cleared out.  So, I have spent Colton's last couple of school mornings purging, organizing, and restructuring the closets in his room, his future room, the playroom, and the laundry room.  Sadly, what has become abundantly obvious is that we are quickly running out of space in this humble abode (seriously?!? how did that already happen) and therefore we must maximize every single inch of storage space we do have.
In that vein, one area that needed my attention was our playroom closet.  Over the year and half that we have lived here, It has become a dumping ground of sorts for my craft supplies.  Sure, I had some big bins I stored stuff in, but they often overflowed or made it impossible to find that random bottle of paint, spool of ribbon, or whatever other supply I needed.  For a few months, I have been keeping Colton's finished diaper boxes with the idea that I could use them somewhere.  My craft supplies became the obvious match, so I divided everything out into 4 rough categories/boxes (that's how many boxes I currently have) and sorted the stuff away.
Organized, yes, but still completely ugly.  Honestly, simply cutting off the top pieces really cleaned up the boxes.
But they still totally lacked that pizzazz.  So I whipped out some mod podge, a paintbrush, and some 12x12 scrapbook pages.  I applied a thin layer of mod podge to a piece of paper and then attached it to one of the short ends.  After pressing it in, I cut out each corner and the handle so that I could wrap the paper snugly on the box.
Once it was wrapped, I put another thin layer of mod podge on top and let them dry.  Now, look at these beauties in my closet.

Considering we rack up our fair share of diaper boxes, my eventual goal is to get Josh to add another shelf above that one and adding another set of boxes.  I mean, after all, they are completely free!


  1. Nice work, Michelle! It looks fantastic! :)

  2. What a fantastic idea. It really makes average storage look super cute!

  3. What a SUPER cute idea!! Now, I gotta run dig up some boxes!! xoxo Brooke


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