
August 16, 2011

Some More Firsts

A few years back when I was still indecisive over whether I wanted children or not, I read a book (unfortunately I can't remember the title but it may have been Baby Proof).  The character was debating whether or not to have children herself and presented the logic that life is made up of firsts: your first step, first day of school, first kiss, etc.  As you get older and your own firsts pretty much run out, you have children and then your life maintains meaning by living their firsts.  That argument stuck with me for a long time (even though it was total chick lit and not meant to be a serious read) and may have even partly persuaded me to have children of my own, but I never fully appreciated its truth until my lovely baby boy arrived last year.
I admit it...I am a tad obsessed with my little boy.  I absolutely marvel at everything that he does in a way that is probably over-indulgent, or maybe it's just natural.  Either way, as much as I take note of his accomplishments and document his daily happenings, every once in a while it really strikes me how much my baby boy is growing up.   When I watch him conquer one of these firsts, no matter how apparently insignificant, I beam .
And here is proof Colton is growing up, conquering more firsts daily (warning: you are about to see a large number of Colton pictures...proceed with caution!)  Colton switched from his high chair to a booster seat:

Colton now goes down the slide by himself...over and over and over again
although he does prefer the belly method
Colton now "talks" on the phone...true, he doesn't say much much, but he does hold it correctly and babble in the proper tones
And finally (and probably least significant), Colton sported his new jeans for the first time on a coolish evening a few nights ago

I'm sure this was a total bore to all of you, so kudos if you made it to the end.  Thanks for allowing me a little self-indulgent time...


  1. Adorable, as usual!
    Good luck at the doctor today! I'm dying with anticipation (as I'm sure you are)!!

  2. Super sweet. Every first, no matter how insignificant, rocks! :)


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