
August 11, 2011


You ready for this? it child eats like absolute crap!

 I feel so terrible about it.  I mean, my primary responsibility right now is to raise this child to the best of my ability: smart, fulfilled, healthy, etc.  Before Colton had even entered the world, I had grand ambitions of how I was going to use fresh fruits and vegetables to enhance his diet and create his own well-balanced, nutritious, delicious meals.
But somewhere between ambition and reality, I have totally fallen off the wagon.  I feel like the problem has a few roots.  For one, Josh and I are not the best eaters ourselves.  We eat out frequently.  When that happens, Colton's choices are pretty much limited to chicken fingers, grilled cheese, and maybe the occasional hot dog...all served with french fries of course.
On the nights that we do eat at home, I try to prepare meals that are healthy, but rarely do vegetables (or fruits) take the starring role.  On a good night, Colton usually eats about 10 bites of a given meal, and somehow manages to avoid any and all vegetables/fruits if they are present.  At least Chipper is eating well-rounded meals, huh?
this picture is old, but this is pretty much what goes on at our house nightly
I don't think he dislikes what we are serving, per se.  I just think he views meal time as a game.  I am ok with the fact that he may not ever be the biggest/best eater, but I do want to attempt to make the most of what he is eating!
So, this is where I need your help.  How do you fellow moms manage to get fruits and vegetables into your child's diets?  Are there some quick and easy recipes you have that maybe we could use for Colton's breakfasts, lunches, or dinners?  I am not opposed to cooking him a separate meal as long as it is relatively easy/quick.  I appreciate any help you could get.


  1. Have you seen the book by Jessica Seinfeld (Jerry Seinfeld's wife) called Deceptively Delicious? she hides all kinds of veggies into meals. Im not sure how easy or hard it is, but I think, if I remember correctly, it is stuff hidden in every day food,so even you and Josh could eat them too I think!
    Here's the link to it on Amazon: Could be worth a try?

  2. kids LOVE fruit smoothies. for breakfast or a snack. here is a super yummo one:
    - 1 banana
    - milk or milk alternative of your choice
    - handful of almonds
    - 5-8 dates
    - water if it's too thick

    that's it. easy peasy and it's really good.


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