
July 12, 2011

On To the Next Room...

Well, my DIY playroom is pretty much complete.  In fact, I hope to be back later this week with the grand final reveal if I can get a sofa in place (I know you're holding your breath in anticipation...if you've missed any of the progress, you can catch up on it here).
With one room winding up, I was actually pretty content to tackle a few smaller projects for other, basically completed (in this house, no room is ever complete...I'm always looking to revise!) rooms.  But Josh had a major surprise in store for me Saturday morning...he suggested that we get to work tackling our laundry room!!! Gasp!!!  Usually I'm the one who jump starts these projects!!!
So, we spent our Saturday touring a few local (and not so local) home improvement stores in search of some cabinetry and a counter top to kick off our project.  We also would like to put an extra refrigerator down there to store some of our surplus (especially when we entertain), and that's when we realized the space was going to be a little tighter than we had originally thought.  Not wanting to purchase anything we would later regret, we decided to head home, clean out the space, remeasure, remeasure, and remeasure one more time just to be sure, and then make our purchases sometime this week.
So, here's what our room (which by the way is actually just a massive, glorified closet) looks like right now all ready for the new additions (be's not pretty, as in the definite eyesore of the house):
 And since the whole thing is a little hard to capture from our available angles, here are two separate shots of each half:

Usually, I would be bummed to have a project delayed, but not this time.  Because of the suddenness with which my lovely husband sprung this on me, I hadn't even figured out a color scheme or any other design elements for the space yet.  So, now I am racking my brain (and scouring Pinterest) for what to do!  Right now, I'm leaning towards a blue room with pink and yellow accents, kind of like this room but maybe a softer blue and more pink/less yellow:
                                             color scheme...maybe a more toned down blue though
Actually, I'm thinking a blue more like this one:
                                                    cindy_after2.jpg (JPEG Image, 475x660 pixels) - Scaled (99%)
Before I settle on a paint color, though, I would like to figure out a fabric choice.  I plan to make some short curtains to hide the hideousness that is the upper shelves and beautify the area.  I always see people finding awesome fabrics online, so I tried a search myself and am only ho-hum about my results.  Here's a couple possibilities:

But because they were both a little more blue than I had wanted (considering the walls are going to be blue, I wanted the blue to be more of an accent color in the fabric), I started looking at shower curtains as well.  I found this one at Target that I'm kind of leaning towards, although I'm still not sold:

Hmmm...what do you all think?  I'm planning on hitting some fabric stores this week to see if I can find another option.  I'm hoping, though, that there are some online resources that I'm missing...anybody know of some good sites for fabric?  Any suggestions are completely appreciated!

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