
July 14, 2011

More DIY Playroom Fun

I had hoped to be able to give you the grand playroom reveal this week, but with no couch in place, some of the artwork is still not hung and the room is just not complete (fingers crossed for next week!).  Because the finale is delayed, I figured today would be a good time to fill you in on some of the details of some of those pieces still awaiting their final home because they were, of course, DIY!
The first is this guy:
The word "play" was an obvious choice for the playroom.  I started by painting the letters (coastal blue to be exact), but felt like the effect just wasn't what I wanted.  I considered painting a rectangular frame on the wall, but then I saw this old $5 Target mirror just hanging out without a purpose.  I decided its frame would be the perfect frame for my word, and I think I was right!  Just the right pizazz I was looking for!

My other recent addition is this project:
I had seen several "family rules" signs on Etsy and other sites to purchase, but decided to try my hand at my own.  It was actually fairly easy to design this one myself using Word.  I had researched online and found out that Subway Art is usually done in Helvectia font, but I didn't have that.  Luckily, it turns out Arial is in the same family, so I just used that instead.  I chose my phrases, played with the size of each, and adjusted my layout until I liked it.  Afterwards, I took it to Kinkos to have it blown up to 20x30 and then headed to Home Depot to have the nice man cut me a piece of 20x30 plywood.  
Once I had all my supplies, I painted the plywood white (although I don't know if this was a necessary step) and then used a few coats of mod podge to affix it to the wood.  Although I could have purchased one, I saved a few dollars by doing my own and I got to choose my own phrases, colors, etc, so I'd say it was a win-win!
So, that's it...the latest happenings in our playroom.  Now that all the elements are in place (well, except the coveted couch), hopefully the final product will be ready soon.  In the meantime, if you want to check out some of the other projects that went into making this room, you can read here.

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, I can't wait to see the final project. We are currently in nursery mode and I'm dying to share what we've done so far, but I think waiting until the final product is done may make more sense. Eek!


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