
June 22, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Happy Wednesday all!  I hope your weeks are going as gloriously as mine.  Like most other Wednesdays, I wanted to take the time today to think about all the wonderful things, and particularly for this week, people that are making me smile.  If you want to join in, just go link up with Jamie.

I'm loving my sweet husband.  Josh is a nice guy, but he usually gets pretty much caught up in the day-to-day tasks of our busy lives and neglects to think of those romantic gestures us girls love.  Last Thursday, though, on my last day of school, he surprised me and came home from work early, brought me flowers, and took me out for a celebratory dinner.  I love even more that he has been super-supportive of my decision to stay home next year (even though there wasn't much of a salary hardly justified having 2 children in daycare!).  I am sure it is not easy to wake up every day at 5:30 and see your wife still sleeping, knowing full well she has the whole day free, but Josh constantly compliments me on my mom abilities and handles his breadwinner role like a star.  I love my husband every day, but I love him especially today!

I'm loving being home with my baby boy.  It's only been a few days, but it's AMAZING to watch this (almost) 15-month old figure out his world.  He learns things so quickly...he now gives dogs, statues, and some people (luckily I'm one of them) kisses (some that involve tongue...mental note, watch out for that in 15 years or so), he pulls up his shirt to show off his belly when you say "belly," and he even dances.  I took him to the pool today and my little daredevil/water baby LOVED every second of it, constantly taking my hands to jump in, "floating" on his back (obviously I held him), and even putting his head in a few times (yikes!).  How lucky am I that I get to be this guy's mom?

I'm loving that as of tomorrow my sister will once again be an official VB resident.  She and I have not lived in the same city since I was in high school, so I am very excited that she will be back and I will have a shopping buddy, wine night partner (in a few months, of course), and occasional babysitter.

I'm loving my new printer.  This is really pathetic, but Josh and I lost our printer about 4 years ago when we moved into our townhouse and never bothered to replace it.  Now that I am staying at home, though, with no access to my school's printer anymore, it was time to take the plunge.  Man, let me tell you, these things have come a long way in 4 years!!!  I have been so excited by my abilities to print from the couch (it's wireless), scan documents, and even copy's the little things, I tell you.
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So that's what I'm loving today!  What about you guys?

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