
June 7, 2011


In case you can't read Colton's shirt, it says "Guess Who's Going to Be a Big Brother? Colton."  We couldn't get Chipper to sit still long enough, but if we could, his shirt would have read something like, "WTF?!?  NOT AGAIN?!?"   In case you haven't caught on yet...
I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!
We've known for quite some time, but wanted to wait for ultrasound confirmation to reveal the big news.  Yesterday, I finally made my way to the doctor (a major feat for me, which you will come to realize if you hang around for the duration of this pregnancy) and our big news was confirmed.  I am officially 9 weeks, 3 days pregnant and due on January 6, 2012.  
I had a C-Section with Colton (he was breached so it was necessary and scheduled in advance), and my doctor said 95% of the time a C-Section is necessary again if you've had one before.  Luckily, I kind of liked the whole C-Section thing (no going past 40 weeks, no crazy long labor hours, no crazy complications, etc), so I am actually happy that this one will be the same way.  Plus, our doctor is already hinting that we may be able to do the C-Section before the end of the year...Josh likes it for the tax break, I like it because it just sounds so much sooner.  Obviously, healthy and happy are primary concern, so we will let fate play out as it may.
But for now, we are excited  (and a bit nervous) about our upcoming addition.  It certainly was not planned (I'm sure there will be more information on that later, as I tend to have verbal diarrhea on this thing), but we have had a few weeks to adjust and both recognize how incredibly blessed we are to welcome another life into our lovely family and how lucky Colton will be to have a sibling to grow up with (we both did and consider them some of our best friends to this day).
So, that's what's been going on around here for the last 9 weeks or so...glad the cat is finally out of the bag and we can chat about it.  After all, this is my little public diary, so I'm sure you'll be hearing more details in the weeks to come..


  1. Congrats again, Michelle!! :) Can't wait to meet the new little one! :)

  2. Congrats!! 2011 is the year to have baby #2, so many bloggers and people I know are pregnant.
    May you have a happy healthy pregnancy.

  3. Congratulations.....The fun will just begin once you have number two.

  4. Congrats! What awesome news!!

  5. Oh my heavens! Congrats! I'm excited to read about this exciting time!!

  6. Congrats! I follow you & Im in Norfolk!


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