
May 19, 2011

What Would You Do...

A lovely surprise arrived in our mailbox last week...a $100 Target gift card!!!  Well actually, I knew it was coming...Josh had told me a few weeks ago that he had cashed in our credit card reward points and had "purchased" the gift card for me (sweet, huh:)).  I had pretty much forgotten about the impending arrival, though, so when it did appear, it was like Christmas all over again!
Of course, though, my mind immediately started cranking with "what should I do with this free money?" (sung to the Klondike commercial tune in case you want to join in).  We still desperately need a kitchen island/breakfast table, so this guy was one option, especially considering its $99.99 pricetag:
Product Image
But honestly, I have seen other options that I like more and I was worried this one would be settling.  So, option two was to use the money do some more outdoor spiffing up.  When the Sunday sales ad showcased a lot of the outdoor stuff for sale, my mind was made up.  On my weekly Target outing, I picked up some solar lights for our front flower beds:

I also purchased a couple Adirondacks (in my favorite green) and a little side table for our back deck:

The best part?  My purchases cashed out at a whopping $85, which means I have $15 left to spend still.  So, now I might just have to head back and scoop this adorable dress I found in the new St. Barth's line:
Product Image
Can you believe it?  All that fantasticness for free (well, $100, but free to me!).  I know you all love Target as much as I do...found anything especially awesome there lately?  What would you do with $100 gift card?!?

1 comment:

  1. I would have to go with something outdoorsy as well... the chairs look perfect!


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