
May 9, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

Happy Monday (I should be an oxymoron).  Although I don't usually recap my weekend on here, this past one was particularly eventful and fun, so I figured a follow-up post was necessary.
 On Saturday, we attended my dad's annual Kentucky Derby party.  My dad was offering a prize for best hat and best dressed, so people came in their full-on gear, including my lovely husband.  Just check out his cool outfit:
I was in charge of planning the food and decorations for the party, so of course there was a lot of DIY action happening.  I had talked about my plans here, and you can see a little preview of the finished product above, so here is the rest (of course, I forgot to take pictures of lots of other elements, but at least, I got a few)

 And a close up of the delicious Mint Julep Cupcakes (I can personally vouch for the fact that they were delicious...I had a few myself!):
Overall, the party was a big success and everyone (especially the prize winners) seemed to go home happy.
On Sunday, we celebrated my new favorite day of the year.  Ever since I became a mother last year, Mother's Day has taken on a huge significance to me as a day to reflect on how lucky I am to have my little family and how lucky I am to have my own mother's unconditional love, support, and friendship.  This year, we carried on the tradition we started last year of heading out to breakfast as just the three of us and then joining with our extended family later in the day.  To celebrate all of the moms, we hosted a cookout at our house for both families.  Obviously, Colton tends to take center stage at these gatherings, so pardon the obscene number of pictures of him below

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