
May 12, 2011

DIY Family Sign: Success?

For years, I have been eyeing those family "established" signs.  I'm sure you have seen them too...the ones that say ____________ Family, Est. ______(year you were married).  The problem, though, has been that while I like the concept of the sign, I have never quite seen one whose style I liked.  That is, until I saw this on Pinterest (my new obsession) the other day:

So simple, yet so pretty.  I was in love and determined to conquer my own, especially once I found the perfect frame at the CHKD (Children's Hospital) thrift store this weekend for $3.  I immediately took my frame home, whipped out my spray paint (in Eden) and started in on the frame part:
After a couple coats of paint, I was sitting pretty and really pleased with my progress.  After purchasing the frame, I headed to AC Moore to scope out stamp sets.  This is where I first encountered a problem.  I really didn't like any of the stamp sets available....the letters were either too small, too big, too rounded, etc.  I looked at other options: stickers, tracing something, but ultimately decided I should give the stamps a go and could always re-do it if I didn't like the result.  So, I purchased an acrylic stamp set ($10) and a tube of acrylic paint ($1) and headed home.
Once home, I laid my stamps out on the glass, using my level, to make sure I liked the general layout of the letters:
Then, I got to stamping.  I simply used a thin brush to apply a layer of paint to the stamp.  After flipping the stamp over and placing it on the glass, I used the brush's pointed end to jab each stamp in place lightly.  After repeating the process with each letter (and number), this is what it looked like:

Eh, right?  Just for kicks and giggles, I put it back in the frame and put the frame on the wall (although I don't think I like this as its final destination either).  Here is what it looks like:
 Hmmmm...right concept, but I don't know about the execution.  I'm thinking the letters need to be bigger.  What do you all think?  Any ideas on how to fix my little project?


  1. -->I like the idea a lot. I just celebrated my 8th anniversary and am already thinking of things to do by the time we reach 10.

  2. cute idea! I think you deff need to use bigger letters though!

  3. I definitely think this is a great idea, but agree, that the letters need to be bigger. Not sure where to get it, though...:(


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