
May 23, 2011

DC Weekend Recap

This weekend, our little family loaded up the car and headed to visit my little sister in Arlington, Virginia.  She will  be moving back to Virginia Beach in about a month, but we had been promising her a visit all year and since we tend to put things off around here, this weekend was one of our last chances!  So, like I said, all of us (Chipper included!) packed up our stuff and hit the road:
Plus, this trip marked a huge occasion for Colton.  He made his debut in his big boy seat and seemed to loooovvveee it:
After a little bit of a traffic delay, Colton arrived in DC in very good spirits and enjoyed a dinner out in Georgetown:

On Saturday, the weather was absolutely perfect, so we all visited the Eastern Market and Old Town Alexandria.
At night, we went to dinner in the heart of DC at the Old Ebbitt Grill.
Colton and his daddy walking to dinner

my sister and her roommate

Josh and me

Aunt Genna, me, and Colton

Oh and Colton must have inherited his mom's love of hotels because he was a big fan of the Palomar's bed

So, that was our weekend.  We had a great time, did lots of visiting, and even some shopping.  Our boys were wonderfully behaved the whole weekend, and it was even more of a reminder of how lucky we are to have this little family of ours.
What about you guys?  Did you have a good weekend too?  Any roadtripping fun for you?


  1. Looks like you guys have fun! Our daughter loves the fluffy beds too! hahaa! We are planning a roadtrip to DC in July with some friends... I can't wait to go - we are staying in Old town alexandria where you visited :)

  2. Colton is adorable! What a cutie! And Chipper is too! :) Looks like a great family getaway!

    Visiting from Mingle Monday!
    A Little Bit of This & That

  3. Stopping by from Mingle Monday. Your little boy is adorable!


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