
April 27, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm back this week to link up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday.  If you haven't joined in on the fun yet, head on over there to do so:)  But now, on to my weekly loves.  This week:

I'm loving that there are only 36 school days left this year (but who's counting, huh?).  This is my favorite time of year at school...the first graders are so grown up and fun, the anticipation of the end of the year puts everyone in high spirits, and the rumors are flying (who's staying, who's going...ooohhh the drama of working with a bunch of women).  Let the countdown officially begin!

I'm loving my new ice cream find.  This stuff is delcious!!!  And the base is frozen yogurt, so it's really not that bad for you (if you can manage to eat only the 1/2 cup serving). 
I'm loving this umbrella.  It's actually turned me on to a whole rainbow obsession!!!  Doesn't this umbrella almost make you crave rainy days, so you would have this beauty to brighten the day?
                                                Color Wheel Stick Umbrella
I'm loving my new flower beds.  Yeah, they took a lot of hard work and it's going to take some growth for them to reach their full potential, but I love the updated look.  (By the way, check back tomorrow for more information on these beds if you're interested)

And finally, I'm loving my family.  I don't mention it often enough, but I am one lucky girl to have so much love and support around me.  I have learned recently that not everyone is so lucky, but I must say, I hit the family parents, brother, and sister (and other extended family members and friends) love Josh, Colton, and I (and even Chipper) unconditionally and would do absolutely anything for us.  Yep, we're lucky!


  1. I love that umbrella! I want one too :)

  2. Mmmm, I love all Breyer's Ice creams. My favorite is Coffee Fudge Brownie!


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