
April 13, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Once again, I'm linking up with Jamie over at this kind of love for What I'm Loving Wednesday.  Go join in on the fun if you haven't yet.
I'm loving that I had a vacation on Sunday.  Nope, I didn't go anywhere, but my sweet husband allowed me to spend the whole day on "vacation" since he had spent the previous day golfing.  As much as I love my baby boy, taking care of him can be exhausting, so it was such a nice treat to spend the day getting a pedicure, going on a mini-shopping spree at Target (more to follow), and reading in our backyard....aaahhh, heaven.  Plus, it left me feeling so relaxed and prepared for the week ahead.
I'm loving Target.  True, I'm always loving Target, but as I mentioned above, I went on a mini-shopping spree there this past weekend.  I found so much cute stuff and totally had to stop myself from buying more.  Check out my fun new outfit I picked up:

Eeewww...kindof awkward, sorry I haven't mastered the mirror shot yet

Yep, all from Target...the dress, the shoes, and the sunglasses.  Plus, I got a bathing suit (with a $5 gift card just for buying the suit) and a hat for an upcoming Kentucky Derby party.  My real find, though, was some Fekkai shampoo/conditioner.  I had just read about Kourtney Kardashian using that stuff in her hair and wanted to try it...well duh, of course, the most amazing place on earth sells it!  So, now I have the sample pack at home to try it out before I drop $20 a bottle on the stuff.

I'm loving Bud Light Lime.  Now that warm weather seems to finally be settling in here in Va. Beach, it is time for outdoor dining and drinking.  Bud Light Lime is the perfect beverage for warm weather drinking.  I'm not a beer girl, but this stuff makes me smile. 

I'm loving these goregous lamps that I saw featured on the Today Show yesterday morning (yep, there are some advantages to having a sick baby at home).  I love even more that the owner/designer is a stay-at-home mom that started her company after she got divorced, needed some income, and decided to follow her passion.  According to the segment, she just recently signed a deal with Anthropologie, so the lamps should start showing up there (hopefully I will be able to afford one), but for now you can just drool over/order them (if you're much wealthier than me) at Vivify Lighting.
Lamp 3Lamp 1

I'm loving that Spring Break finally starts this weekend.  Hells yes...I need a break.  Plus, tomorrow is Easter egg painting and an early release day , and Friday is a field trip to Mt. Trashmore (a local landfill turned park...don't's a landmark around here!) for some kite flying.  I love the anticipation of great things!


  1. Love all of your "loves"! And Bud Light Lime is fantastic! Definitely makes me feel like summer is coming (despite the ick-tastic weather we've been having!)

  2. I love those lamps, those are great! I've used the shampoo in the past and it is awesome, but I've found that the new Pantene works just as well on my hair(and it's way cheaper). Aren't you just loving the VA weather the past couple of days? (I'm in Richmond). Have a great day!

  3. Oh Target is amazing :) I love everything about it, haha! I've never tried Bud Light Lime but it sounds delicious! And those lamps are gorgeous!

    new follower, please stop on by..

  4. I love all of your loves :) Those lamps are beautiful!!!


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