
April 12, 2011

Top 2 Tuesday Link Up

Colton is home sick again today.  For you loyal readers, you know this is just about the umpteenth time this has happened in the past month or so.  No worries, though, this unplanned down time gives me the opportunity to participate in another fun blog party. 

Today's Top 2 Tuesday is favorite drinks (alcoholic or nonalcoholic).  I don't know why, but I had a really hard time limiting this to just two (Starbucks caramel macchiatos, Bud Light Lime, and SoBe waters were close contenders), but here we go:
1.  Washington Hills Riesling.  I try to save my wine for Friday and Saturday nights, so each week I find myself eagerly anticipating my first glass.  True, I love many Rieslings, but I think this one is my absolute favorite.

2.  Diet Coke.  Boring, I know, but I love the stuff.  I try to limit myself to one a day (I was drinking these like water back in college), but each night, I savor each last drop!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! We have the same favorites! I just saw yours after I posted--totally random! :) I knew there was a reason I liked you....haha


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