
April 4, 2011

Spring Cleaned: Phase I and My First Giveaway!

I've stuck with my promise thus far and tackled our first problem area this weekend.  Admittedly, our living room "closet"/shelving was probably the easiest due to its ***relative*** lack of clutter.  But I am going to pat myself on the back anyways, and say "job well done" for starting the process.  Truthfully, I find the whole cleaning/organizing/purging process to be a little cathartic...a reflection of where we've been and where we're going. As a reminder, this is what our space looked like before:

 Each time I tackle a clutter zone, I start out by completely emptying the space.  The next step is to divide the stuff into four piles: 1. stuff that will stay where it is, 2. stuff that I think we should keep, but move elsewhere (another place in the house, storage, etc), 3. stuff that should go...either to Goodwill, possibly in a yard sale (we're debating having one), or maybe to the trash depending on Josh's final verdict, and finally 4. straight to the trash.  Let me explain here that Josh has slight hoarding tendencies and would keep anything and everything, so it is absoultely critical that I do the initial dividing process myself or we would never get anywhere!  Once the diving is done, I put the stuff that's staying back in an orgainzed manner.  Check out our cleaned up shelves:

You probably see, like I did, that some baskets were essential to further corral our junk.  At least for me, if I put stuff on a shelf, it will inevitably get cluttered again.  However, if I put the stuff in a basket, it typically stays put!  Plus, they just look prettier.  So, off to Target (hint hint of my giveaway later in this post) Colton and I went, and now this is what it looks like:

Amazing how much more room we've uncovered, huh?
The next step is to deal with the stuff that needs to be relocated.  For this, it was mainly some baby items that Colton has outgrown (his Bumbo seat and Boppy pillow) which I figured should be stored somewhere in the event that we need them again.  In addition, though, I also found some fun Crate and Barrel pillows that I used to have in our living room when it had lighter sofas.  I had been looking for pillows for our outdoor furniture (which is actually on a screened in porch), so I'm thinking these might work there.  What do you think?

Finally, I took the rest of the stuff and relocated it to Colton's future playroom/current junk room for Josh's evaluation.  The only rule with this stuff is we will no longer own it, and I'm thinking as I continue to conquer our closets this little pile is going to grow rapidly!

although Chipper might have a hard time parting with some of it
Well, there it is!  My first spring cleaning project tackled.  Not too bad for about 30 minutes of work, huh?  What about you guys?  Did you do any cleaning this weekend?  Or are you like my lovely husband and just keep everything?

And now for the really fun part.  I started this blog a few months ago as I way to have some adult time in my otherwise child-filled life.  I have loved documenting our family's journey, but am beyond humbled that so many of you stop by to read it.  As my way of saying thank you, I figured I should host my first giveaway!!!  Because I have no real talent to offer, I reasoned I would give you access to one of my favorite things:
That's right...I'm giving away a $20 Target gift card!!!  Wanna enter?  Just follow these few simple steps:
1. Be a follower.  Just click over there if you haven't already---------------------------->
2.  Comment on this post.
3.  For added fun, tell me your favorite thing about Target (if you can pick just one)!
I'm going to keep the giveaway open until Friday at 5PM, and will then randomly select a winner.  Good luck, and again thanks for reading:)


  1. Yay!! Doesn't if feel good sometimes to get rid of stuff? I'm working on it. The jobs are hard to tackle when I'm trying to get other stuff done too! I love the pillows on the porch. . . adds color!! I'm already a follower! My favorite thing about Target is EVERYTHING!! I love the Spring green they have right now. I just got some green curtains and stuff. I will eventually have a post about it on my blog. Eventually. After all of my other projects are done. Have a wonderul Monday!!!

  2. I have a massive love affair with Target. I am pretty sure I am there at least once a week. My love for it is so apparent that, for my birthday, almost all of my friends got me gift cards to Target haha. When I go and visit my boyfriend, he saves his errands to go to Target until I go there because, as he says "I know how much you love going." I love that it has everything. And even though I leave there spending $60 regularly, I always have several things to show for it! There's not really anything that I don't love about Target!

  3. Target is the devil... in a good way! I am drawn to it like a moth to a flame!! I take all unsolved problems to Target and instantly feel better/worse after spending $150 on absolutely nothing!!!

  4. I love, love, LOVE Target!

    Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway!

    I am coming over from Mingle Monday!

  5. Coming over from Mingle Monday! And I'm following you now, not just for giveaway purposes but because I think your blog and your baby are just too cute.

    I've worked SO hard to declutter recently because I'm engaged and my FH will be moving his stuff into my place...which is already slap full of my stuff. Uh oh. It's a work in progress.

    My favorite thing about Target? The CLOTHES. I love that you can find something completely adorable for under $20!

  6. Target is by far my favorite store, they have everything! Thanks for the great giveaway, I am stopping by from Mingle Monday!

    P.S. come enter my photo giveaway!

  7. I am a GFC follower. I love the trendy, cute clothes and the friendly people that work there.

  8. The de-cluttering looks great! It just feels SO much better to have things put in their places and the clutter tamed.

    I'm missing Target since I'm in Japan! I always loved browsing the decor stuff that was on sale. I could almost always come away with something fun for the house! And I'm really happy they ship to APO addresses :)

  9. I'm a follower... and one thing I LOVE about Target is the clearance sections!

  10. I love Target!! The clothes are great, and I always walk out with my hands full! I would put this to good use!!

  11. I'm a follower, and I LOVE Target. They have cute clothes, good clearance racks, and it's such a nice and easy shopping experience every time for me.

  12. Yay giveaway! I'm your 100th follower! :-) I buy everything at target! I usually go in for 2 things and come out with about 25. Siiiigh.

  13. There are a ton of things I love about Target. They always have a ton of cute things especially in the home decor section and it's not all mixed up. They always have things that go together even if you don't want everything to match identically. The way they have their stores set up makes it easy to get around in there too.

  14. I'm a follower! I love Target's dresses! And that you can get EVERYTHING from there! I recently went to a Target in FL that had fresh produce and wine! Targets in the Northeast definitely don't have that!

  15. I follow via GFC.
    Favorite thing about target is finding all the deals and great price mark downs. Its almost like christmas shopping at target. I also like that you are finding more and more food at target. This way you can save a trip to the grocery store!

  16. I can not pick a favorite reason for shopping at Target, I love the whole store & could spend hours in there just looking. Lately the baby section sucks me in & spits me out broke.

  17. I love your back patio!
    I'm a follower too. My sister tells me I practically live at Target. I would get something in the home decor department :-)

  18. I'm pretty much in love with your patio and it's furniture. Oh and I'm a new follower. And my favorite thing about Target? Besides the obvious, they have awesome shopping carts. Ya know? Since having a babe and finagling the car seat in the cart, I've grown a new appreciation for nice carts :)

  19. I'm a follower! And my favorite thing about target is their sales! They have some awesome stuff on sale all the time.

  20. I'm a follower! I love Target's selection of shoes. :) vandango33 at gmail dot com

  21. My favorite thing about Target is that I can spend hours there one day and then go back the next and still find something new that I didn't notice the day before.

    p.s. I LOVE you blog :)

  22. Target saves me money but then makes me spend more than I ever wanted! haha! its worth it though =)

    I'm following! yay!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons


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