
April 15, 2011

Fun-Nominal Fridays

I've been having a blast linking up to some blog parties recently.  Because I love me a good party, I figured it was time to start hosting my own!  I'm calling it Fun-Nomial Fridays.  Here, we can revel in the joys that were our week and look forward to all the fantasticness that the weekend has in store.  Plus, each week I will pose a  fun-filled bonus question for you to answer if you want. 
So, your post will look something like this:

My week's fun highlight was spending Tuesday at home with my boys.  It is so amazing to watch my little man explore his world.  He spent a good portion of the day climbing in and out of his birthday chair, playing in his new sandbox (minus the sand) and pestering his doggy brother by stealing his toys.  It was so much fun to just watch him play...I guess I don't usually take the time to do that.

Something fun I'm looking forward to this weekend is Josh and I have a babysitter for Saturday night.  We try to save our babysitting nights to special occasions, so it does not happen too frequently.   This Saturday one of my best friends from high school is getting married, so my sister has graciously agreed to watch Little Man for us while we partake in some adult fun!
Plus, I get to spend Saturday getting my hair did with my friend at the salon...yay for girly pampering/bonding time. 

a long ago picture of me and the bride-to-be
Oh, and I don't have to work Monday (or the whole week for that matter), so I can really, truly have a Sunday Funday. 

And to answer the bonus question:
Our typical Friday night is spent at the Wild Wing's kindof like our Cheers.  Josh and I have been going there since the day they opened, long before we were even engaged.  We used to sit at the bar, but now that Colton joins us, we sit at a table, have some wings, drinks, and good conversation.  When Colton is ready to head home, we leave and then cap off our evening with a glass of wine (for me) on the patio now that it is warm enough. 

Wanna join in?  I hope's the deal:
1.  Become a Virginia Beach Housewife follower and link up below.
2.  In  your post, be sure to tell us at least one fun thing that happened to you this week.  Next, tell us at least one thing you're looking forward to this weekend.
3.  For added fun, answer the following question in your post:
                              What is your typical Friday night?
4.  Spread the word about Fun-Nominal Fridays.  Visit other blogs that link up and tell them you visited from Fun-Nominal Fridays.  You can even grab this little button I designed to use in your posts:

Sounds like fun, right?  So join in...


  1. Hi! I'm following you from B.M.B.F!
    I hope you visit me and return the

  2. New follower from You Like Me Friday Blog Hop! Hope you can stop by and follow back :)


  3. I am visiting today from You Like Me Friday blog hop. A very fun idea for a linky. Blog hops are fun. I like to meet other bloggers and peek into their life.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    Long Wait For Isabella


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