
February 4, 2011

Seven Years???

Josh and I met seven years ago today.  To say we started from humble beginnings is probably an understatement.  To make a long story short...we were at a bar, his food looked good so I started talking to him about it, we made out a few hours later (not at the bar of course), I swore it would never become anything...but obviously I was wrong about that.  Over the next few months (and now years), Josh and I grew into each other and into our relationship.  Above all, he made me a better person than I was before I met him and I made him a better person than he was before as well (he says that too).  As we grew as people, we had a lot of fun, fell in love, got married, and now have a beautiful life to show for it. 
I am so proud of the life we have built together.  I love coming home to my best friend each night, and I could not have picked someone better to share the journey of parenthood with.  Sure, we still have fights here and there (especially with the advent of parenthood), but we get through it because, well, because we love each other and at the end of the day, I know my life is better because I share it with my wonderful husband. 

aaahhh...the early days
Frequently, I think back to those early days of our relationship.  I think back to the days where we barely knew each other, when it took a drink to get a good conversation going (my husband is very shy).  In those early days, I swore Josh and I were "just having fun."  Well, we have had fun...tons of fun...but we also have done so much more than that.  I made Josh take this survey a few months ago as we were sitting around watching tv to test how well he really knows me.  In honor of our seven years, I figured today was a good day to share it:
1. I’m sitting in front of the tv, what I am watching?

Me: Real Housewives

Josh: Reality

2. Salad dressing?

Me: Ranch on side

Josh: Ranch on side

3. One food I don’t like?

Me: fried stuff

Josh: oysters
**in all fairness, I had a hard time with this one too
4. What do I order to drink

Me: wine or diet coke

Josh: wine or diet coke

5. Size shirt?

Me: medium, maybe small

Josh: small
(smart answer, huh?)

6. Size shoe?

Me: 8

Josh: 7

7. What would I eat everyday if I could?

Me: Ice cream

Josh: Ice Cream

8. Sandwich?

Me: Turkey and house from Taste Unlimited

Josh: Taste Unlimited
sidenote: if you are ever in Va. Beach, you need to try Taste Unlimited

9. Favorite Cereal?

Me: Frosted Flakes

Josh: “you don’t eat cereal”
***again in all fairness, I eat my cereal at school on weekdays, and he's right, I don't usually eat it at home

10. One thing I would never wear?

Me: leather

Josh: jorts

11. Favorite sports team?

Me: Steelers

Josh: Steelers

12. One thing you wish I wouldn’t do?

Me: overanalyze everything

Josh: get mad at me

13. Cake?

Me: ice cream or any cupcakes

Josh: ice cream

14. What could I spend hours doing?

Me: surfing the web

Josh: sitting by the pool
well yeah, that's true but obviously only in the summer

15. One talent?

Me: baking

Josh: decorating
We've come a long way, huh?

Happy weekend everyone.  Here's to hoping the Steelers bring home their seventh championship:)


  1. Crazy! I met my hubby 12 years ago today in a bar! our story is pretty similar too.

  2. This is so sweet! You should link it to my Someone Special Linky Party! Its up now!

  3. im stopping by from mingle monday... this is SO sweet! i love it! happy monday. xoxo jcd

  4. Stopping by from Monday Mingle.

    Love the quiz. I think my husband would get them wrong, might have to try tonight!

    I am also going to try the choc. chip dip...amazing!!

    Glad to have found you...I am now a follower!


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