
February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

OK, I admit it.  I love Valentine's Day. It may be a scam cooked up by the greeting card companies, but I find it so refreshing that we devote a day to remind ourselves that there is love everywhere.  I saw this Hallmark commercial the other day, and seriously, it made me tear up a bit (and I'm not the tear up type):

I guess it just perfectly sums up why I love this day so much.   To me, Valentine's Day is not about fancy dinners out, jewelry, or even flowers (not that I complain if they happen to come, mind you)  Instead, it's about celebrating the us Josh and I have become.  It's about taking a day to appreciate fully how lucky I am to have this in my life:

That video was taken several months ago, but I still smile like crazy while watching my little family. 
Happy Valentine's to you and whoever makes up your "us."

1 comment:

  1. I have awarded with you with a "versatile Blogger" award, see details on my blog!


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