
January 10, 2011

Treasure Hunting

When we moved into our house, we were blessed to not only inherit its 2400ish square feet, but also, count them...not one, or two, but three sheds.  I guess the former owners needed a lot of storage?  I don't normally venture out to these monstrosities...the bugs, or at least potential for bugs, completely freaks me out.  But, that's where we store the paint and paint supplies.  So, last week when I was working on my guest room makeover, Josh was at work, and I had to buck up and head out to the shed.  It was there, though, that I found this...

OK, I know it doesn't look like much yet, but hold on.  If you read my guest room post last week, you may remember me mentioning that I wanted to pair our beautiful teal/peacock blue with some bright yellow accents.  Enter, this stuff:
I had never spray painted anything in my life, but man, have I ever been missing out?!?  This stuff was so easy!  I just covered the mirror surface with some painter's tape and wrapping paper to protect the mirror part.  Next, I took it out to our lovely outdoor deck, layed it on a drop cloth, hovered about 6 inches above my mirror, and sprayed away.  Each coat took about 10 minutes to apply, and an hour to dry.  Three hours later, I had this, all stored away in its new home:

YAY!  Cost of our first yellow accessory?  $5 (for the can of spray paint)!!!  Have I mentioned lately that I love paint?!?!? 


  1. Love the yellow mirror! I haven't done much with spray paint but think I need to find a project using it soon:)

  2. Stumbled over from FTLOB Magical Monday. I love large mirrors like this. And i don't know if I would have ever envisioned yellow, but too cute. I would totally be using any and everything they left behind :)

  3. It's amazing what you can do with spray paint! Love your mirror, I have been looking for some to paint yellow, myself!

  4. Thanks guys:) I must admit the fun yellow color brightens my day each time I see it. (Especially when it only cost $5...wink, wink)

  5. Visiting from Mingle Monday! I love how cheery the coat of yellow paint makes the mirror - What a difference!


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