
January 26, 2011

OCD and Motherhood Don't Mix

I firmly believe that everything has its place in our house.  Clothes are meant to be stored in the drawers or in the closet.  We have two dish towels that hang (hung in thirds) from our oven.  Chipper's toys are stored in a basket in our living room "closet."  You get the idea.  I have never really cared too much about how clean things are as long as you don't see clutter when you look around.  I. hate. clutter. 
When Colton was born, I knew that having a new person in our house would also mean having a whole lot more stuff as well.  I was steadfast that our house was not going to become "a baby house," that it would maintain its decluttered, adult toys everywhere for us.   Sure, in those early days, Colton's swing and/or pack and play were usually in the living room with us, but they were easy enough to move out when company was coming over (although most were there to see baby boy anyway).  Since then, we have moved Colton's bigger toys...bouncer, sports set, rocking his forthcoming playroom.  We bought storage ottomans to store all of Colton's toys in the living room, and each night, I dilligently pick them up and return them to the ottomans (only to be taken out again the next day, my lovely husband points out frequently).   In short, I have gone out of my way to make this house baby friendly, but adult-centered.
What I did not anticipate was this new stage we have entered: crawling, "walking," (with the aid of furniture), exploring...mischief making.  Our baby boy is all over the place, and in his wake, there is always a path of destruction.  Take my aforementioned kitchen towels that are supposed to hang in thirds from the oven.  This is what they now look like most of the time:
Or Colton's books that are supposed to be in a nice stack on his table next to the rocker where we read each night.  This is what they look like once baby boy has been near them:

Then there's the contents of the refrigerator, which have this lovely visitor  if you accidentally leave the refrigerator door open for even a second.  Needless to say:

Well, pick it up, you say?  Well, you probably only say that if you haven't had the pleasure of a baby around you because the most fun part is as soon as you pick it up, they're right back to do it again.  I even try to say "NO" (quite firmly, I might add), and Colton just laughs (which then makes me laugh too...clearly discipline is going to be an issue around here). 
 But you know what, as much as it makes me crazy, I love it.  I love watching baby boy explore his ever expanding world.  I love seeing his delight when he discovers something new.  I love watching him entertain himself with a "toy" he has come across (even if it is our Ranch dressing bottle, hmmm).  I guess I just have to look forward to the days when Colton can be taught to put things away.

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